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VirtualBox -- Create VM for Booting Live ISOs/CDs/DVDs - Printable Version

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Re: VirtualBox -- Create VM for Booting Live ISOs/CDs/DVDs - N4RPS - 07-19-2014


Having watched the video you linked to, the design flaw in properly transferring heat away from the GPU is probably your problem. Reflow stations can cost $thousand$, and ovens/toaster ovens do not regulate heat well enough, so it would probably be more cost effective for you to either replace the motherboard or to send it off to someone with the proper reflow equipment to do this for you.

I obtained the skills to perform a lot of these tasks by working in the electronics manufacturing field for many years. As you have discovered, YouTube is a valuable resource on disassembly procedures and repair techniques. As for parts, searching Google can find you the best sources and prices for replacement parts.

Hope this helps...


Re: VirtualBox -- Create VM for Booting Live ISOs/CDs/DVDs - gold_finger - 07-20-2014

Thanks for reply N4RPS.  Not going to waste any money on that laptop -- just trash it when it completely dies.  The only time I use it is for testing something (usually to answer someone's question on a forum).  Maybe I'll toast it in the oven on the off chance that works.  If I kill it, I don't really care.

My question regarding laptop parts sources was out of general curiosity, not because I was planning to order anything for the dying laptop.  Have done Google searches in past, but never did find quite was I was hoping to find -- something similar to Newegg, but specializing in laptops.

Re: VirtualBox -- Create VM for Booting Live ISOs/CDs/DVDs - N4RPS - 07-21-2014


For most laptop parts, you have to go to eBay, Amazon, etc., because the parts either come from China or are pulled from old machines and tested. The guy in the video link you posted might straighten it out for you for something less than an arm and a leg. He seems like a "good 'ol boy" to me.

If I ever had something that needed to be done like that, I'd get a quote from him...
