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Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - Printable Version

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Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - bitsnpcs - 02-27-2017

[Image: 1zvz674.png]

Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - ralphy - 03-20-2017

Couldn't resist.  Smile

Linux Lite 3.4
Default Arc Darker theme
Papirus Dark Icon theme with minor changes
Conky Custom (I don't usually use Lite Widget although it is pretty nice)
Vivaldi Web browser
Custom Menu image

[Image: 6Bd395R.png]

Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - Scott(0) - 03-21-2017

Hi Ralphy

Lookin' very nice! When creating a custom menu image is it important to adhere to a certain image size? For example, I believe the menu image in my LL 2.x install is 48x48.

Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - ralphy - 03-21-2017

(03-21-2017, 02:18 AM)Scott(0) link Wrote: Hi Ralphy

Lookin' very nice! When creating a custom menu image is it important to adhere to a certain image size? For example, I believe the menu image in my LL 2.x install is 48x48.

Yes, the custom menu image size is important depending on your preferences. Allow me to explain:

1- You may want the menu button to increase its size with the panel and other icons. If so, you want to go with an image with up to 128x128:

[Image: e2eGhiK.png]

2- You may not want the menu button to increase its size (which is what I prefer) with the panel and other icons. I prefer my menu icon to match the Menu text size and therefore I use a 22x22 image instead.

[Image: D9GBHw0.png]

[Image: MSduxEc.png][Image: ugDvQzr.png][Image: tc38d49.png][Image: oknPjp7.png][Image: QOLCyuJ.png][Image: Zrd9ZhK.png][Image: hsqCdh5.png]

Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - Scott(0) - 03-21-2017

Smile [member=6629]ralphy[/member] - appreciate the info, thank you.

Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - bitsnpcs - 04-11-2017

[Image: mhwwfn.png]

[Image: al0nrd.png]

Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - mraxman - 04-23-2017

I've combined XFCE and i3 to somehow work together so here it is.

  [Image: screenshot2017-04-2504-19-17.php]

  [Image: screenshot2017-04-2504-22-27.php]

Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - supergamer - 05-22-2017

Here is my screenshot.

[Image: 4mrTmC2.png]

[Image: nq0YfAd.png]

Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - firenice03 - 05-25-2017

Mini standard 3.4 desktop with modified widget..

[Image: 9sqaXPi.png]

Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - IsquiZZ - 05-25-2017

simple  and always refreshes me, linux lite 3.4

[Image: ZPJCR3J.png]