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Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - Printable Version

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Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - N4RPS - 08-15-2014


I like the limited and unobtrusive Conky information incorporated into the desktop.

I imagine books could be written about all the different ways to use Conky setups. Perhaps someone who has played with it extensively will write a tutorial about how to incorporate some of the more elaborate ones...


Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - rokytnji - 08-15-2014

[Image: 868_lite_tn.jpg]

Persistent USB. Dell XT2 (no hard drive yet)

[Image: 261_lion_tn.jpg]

Other Laptop. Compaq CQ-57. Install on internal 120 gig Apple computer SSD drive.

Edit: Fresh install on Dell XT2 Touchscreen Laptop/Tablet

[Image: croc1.png]

Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - rokytnji - 08-19-2014

Previous Croc screeny shows Conky ram showing with 3.16 kernel.
This screeny shows 3.13 kernel ram showing in conky which is the correct reading.

[Image: 313kernel.png]

If you look at my conky in my 1st screeny. The persistent usb. With kernel 3.13. Conky shows all 2 gig of ram I had installed . This netbook runs OK on lite 2.0 with 2 gig of ram so I will leave the 2 gig stick
in my other netbook which is a Chromebook.

Edit: The Lion Screeny with the 3.15 kernel shows all 4 gig of ram on my Compaq Cq57 Laptop that Linux Lite 2.0 was just installed on. So the 3.15 kernel seems OK for correct ram detection.

Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - rijnsma - 08-19-2014

I begin to understand why icons on the desktop are not so important in LL. I didn't know.  Big Grin

Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - rbdflyboy - 08-24-2014

Found this one early this morning and now have it as my 2nd desktop wallpaper. Would make for a nice tat too! Sorry if this is a bit big. First time n'all.

[Image: XEgahp5.png]

Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - Scott(0) - 08-24-2014

I like the wallpaper and the way you did the Linux logo in reply #64.

Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - rbdflyboy - 08-24-2014

(08-24-2014, 06:37 PM)Scott(0) link Wrote: +rbdflyboy
I like the wallpaper and they way you did the Linux logo in reply #64.

Thanks for your reply Scott(o). Don't mind saying this took me quite awhile to get right...being a Noob to Linux and more so with LL2. These are the kinds of images that spark my interest , they appeal to me because of the abstract nature and inherent elegance they impart.

Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - rokytnji - 09-02-2014

Playing with the compaq. Icon set from


[Image: 4ed2ca348715600.jpg]


[Image: 591ba9348715305.jpg]

Running redshift-gtk in r/h side of taskbar (red lightbulb icon)

Redshift is in Synaptic package manager but will not launch in Linux Lite without my saved launch code in above thread. That is why
I posted the link.

Quote:where 30 is the latitude for Pecos Tx and the Longitude is 103

Like I said. Just playing.

Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - anon222 - 09-10-2014

This is Budgie Desktop. I wanted to try this DE.[Image: edlnLVF.jpg]

Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots! - bitsnpcs - 09-13-2014

Here is my more recent attempt.
I followed the theme tutorial by "l337n1nj4", and the Linux Lite help manual
I followed the mouse theme tutorial by  "gold_finger", I used the  OpenZone 1.2.3 Theme
The wallpaper is from Noobslab
I followed the information from "Scott(0)" and d/l the pdf of "The Linux Command Line", I show a few of the first commands I have practiced from this book in screenshot.
I experimented and altered the panel size a little narrower.
I found how to alter the Terminal by looking around in its menu tabs.

[Image: 106ivdf.jpg]