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Linux Mint ships with Google's Noto fonts - Printable Version

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Linux Mint ships with Google's Noto fonts - Mike - 12-07-2014

I recently read that the newest LM now ships with Google's Noto fonts. I looked into it and and I can see why. The aim of the fonts is to support all of the world's languages. Personally, I like the way they look too. Check 'em out if you want:

And because I'm addicted to Thunar's custom actions, I made one for installing fonts.

Description: Move fonts to ~/.fonts
Command: mv %N ~/.fonts
File Pattern: *.ttf;*.otf;*.ttc

Re: Linux Mint ships with Google's Noto fonts - Mike - 12-08-2014

Side note: I noticed the default hinting in LL was full but I find "slight" better looking to my eyes. Also with RGB sub-pixel order.

Re: Linux Mint ships with Google's Noto fonts - Valtam - 12-09-2014

Nice tip, I'm loving Noto Sans Smile

Re: Linux Mint ships with Google's Noto fonts - anon222 - 12-09-2014

I really like those fonts. Thanks mlsmith.

Re: Linux Mint ships with Google's Noto fonts - Mike - 12-09-2014

Thanks, guys. Just keeping an eye out for things that may be beneficial to everyone.

Re: Linux Mint ships with Google's Noto fonts - anon222 - 12-27-2014

I found an easy way to download and install Google webfonts for off-line use.
There is an application named TypeCatcher.
sudo apt-get install typecatcher
[Image: tYHJ7Oo.png]
Google fonts are installed in
This application can also uninstall them.

Re: Linux Mint ships with Google's Noto fonts - Mike - 12-27-2014

Cool! Nice find - this will come in handy.