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Art - Printable Version

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Art - anon222 - 01-05-2015

This is my home town. My brother made the stone sculpture on the left. It's standing in front of the city hall.
[Image: dNudelm.jpg]
1371 is the year our town was founded.
[Image: GzfxHNQ.jpg]
Here's some more of my brother's work.
I use them as backgrounds.
[Image: 7wbDgbR.jpg]
[Image: JG49gQ8.jpg]
[Image: hx3BZ4e.jpg]
[Image: A1MqslT.jpg]
It's a hard work.
[Image: jQh0FvQ.jpg]

Re: Art - bitsnpcs - 01-05-2015

Hello misko,

thank you for showing your brothers work, it is beautiful highly skilled workmanship, and amazing to see.

Re: Art - anon222 - 01-05-2015

Hi bitsanpcs,
Thank you bitsanpcs. He went to college for that. He's a sculptor by profession.
He can work with clay, stone, metal and wood. Stone is his main source of income.

Re: Art - rokytnji - 01-05-2015

Working with my hands for a living all my life.
I appreciate the skill and labor involved.
Too Kool for Skool.

Re: Art - Wirezfree - 01-05-2015

Exquisite craftsmanship.
The tool marks are what make this human,
like the the brush strokes of a great artist.

Something that I believe will never be replicated by technology.

Re: Art - altman - 01-05-2015

Thanx for sharing your brother s work .

He s very good , nice details on his work .

Re: Art - anon222 - 01-06-2015

Thank's all, I'll tell him what you've said. Smile

Re: Art - N4RPS - 01-07-2015


You seem to have a very talented family there in Croatia!


Re: Art - anon222 - 01-07-2015

I agree with you. Thanks for the compliment. Smile I don’t mind you calling me Croat… Serbs and Croats, it’s almost the same.
For someone abroad is very difficult to distinguish between our people, borders, who we are and what we are.

Re: Art - gold_finger - 01-08-2015


Really nice work.  Love seeing stuff like that.  Love seeing things hand crafted instead of done by CNC machines.  Very nice!