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Clear Memory - Printable Version

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Clear Memory - bfb - 01-29-2017

I find this feature in Lite tweaks for 3.2 extremely useful.
Is there a way I could install  it on 2.8 (32 bit) which I run on an ancient Dell netbook with an Atom processor?
I would prefer not to have to put 3.2 on there if I can avoid it, but as it is at the limit for memory (1 gb ram) the Clear memory tweak might be very useful..

Re: Clear Memory - Valtam - 01-29-2017

Unhide files in your home folder (Ctrl+H) add the following to the bottom of the .bashrc file on a new line:

alias clearmem="sudo sh -c 'echo 3 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches'"

Save and close the file. Then type:

source .bashrc

to activate the new alias.

Then every time you want to clear the memory, just type clearmem in a terminal. Lite Tweaks in 3.x does not work in series 2.x The above is a workaround.

Re: Clear Memory - bitsnpcs - 01-29-2017

Thank you Jerry Smile
I have bookmarked your tutorial, and I will do this on my first LL computer too, which is 2.n and 1Gb.

Re: Clear Memory - Valtam - 01-29-2017

No problemo Smile

Re: Clear Memory - bfb - 01-30-2017

Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain this. It is much appreciated and this Forum and your helpfulness  are  major reasons why Lite is the best distro in my opinion