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Proper Fundraising - Printable Version

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Proper Fundraising - sanmayjoshi - 06-10-2017

  I think LL team may use fund-raising model similar to that of Linux Mint(LM). LM basically has sponsorship schemes, viz. platinum, gold, silver, and casual(I guess). Each of these have a certain amount to be donated to LM and certain other conditions that LM satisfies, example, for platinum sponsorship- LM shows name of sponsor on some predetermined areas on website or OS. The sponsors pay a monthly donation, which keeps the project alive.


Re: Proper Fundraising - Valtam - 06-18-2017

Thanks for the suggestion, always open to new ideas.

Re: Proper Fundraising - Valtam - 06-24-2017

I've created a Sponsorship page for people and companies -

Thank you for your suggestion Smile

Re: Proper Fundraising - sanmayjoshi - 06-26-2017

Hi [member=2]Jerry[/member] ,
    Thanks for taking note of my suggestion. I am pretty sure that Linux Lite will find sponsors in near future.
    I checked the link you have provided- , from my nifty little phone Wink . I found the page quite cool. But, I have a little suggestion -  the headings of each paragraph viz. Premiere, Platinum, Gold and Community are bold. That's fine. But at the end of para there is a button to donate via PayPal and a button named according to heading (Premiere, Platinum, Gold, Community). That actually created sort of confusion for me because the buttons are way too much bigger than the heading itself. Also, rather than buttons named according to heading, It may be more appropriate(my personal opinion) that they simply have Pay via PayPal written, and no need of PayPal button, it's my personal opinion though.
Actually, I am pretty surprised at how fast you make decisions and accept community opinions. You are indeed an awesome leader on top of being LL developer!

Thanks ! Smile