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can we please get firefox nightly in the lite software manger? - Printable Version

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can we please get firefox nightly in the lite software manger? - bluzeo - 01-28-2018

hey guys. im more and more wanting to be an beta tester. been wanting to see if i can even get nightly firefox working in Lite.

Re: can we please get firefox nightly in the lite software manger? - Artim - 01-28-2018

You can get the risky, Beta nightly builds from the Ubuntuzilla repository.  Putting beta stuff in Linux Lite is unlikely, as it should be in my opinion.

Re: can we please get firefox nightly in the lite software manger? - Valtam - 01-28-2018

Yeah, we don't deliberately put Alpha, Beta, Nightly software in LL. We're a stable OS.