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boot - Printable Version

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boot - rogart - 08-15-2014

Very new to Linux.

Installed Lite 2 and works fine . Desktop is great and stable. BUT when it boots ,apart from an inordinate long time , the opening screen are unreadable.

I'm not sure if it is my video card or the way the Lite was loaded ??

I'm using Lite as my full OS on a Dell 2200 desktop . The video card is on  the motherboard .

Would a PCI video help ?



Re: boot - Valtam - 08-15-2014

That is an awfully old machine, I'm just glad LL boots for you Smile What pci video card do you have?

Re: boot - rogart - 08-16-2014

At the moment I'm using the MB card ... I'm wondering if a PCI card would be better ? If so what card would you look for

Re: boot - rokytnji - 08-16-2014

Use linux as a search term on the reviews for the card you wish to pick.  I read  real bad one for the zotac card. So don't get it.
Or copy the model number and use this search engine

Make sure you pick PCI, not PCI-E.