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Danged if You Do, Danged if You Don't - Printable Version

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Danged if You Do, Danged if You Don't - Artim - 10-03-2022

The latest from my blog, on Linux Lite:

Maybe I’m finally getting a sense of what it’s like for Linux developers, putting up with criticism from people like me who really have no clue about what goes into developing an operating system or software.

"This distro has too many PPAs!" I complained both here in my blog and the distro’s forum.

The next release, the distro had moved stuff into it’s own repository and had no PPAs. Very cool! They listened!

Now the latest version of the distro offers Google Chrome as it’s default browser. My reaction: “WHAT!? Google is EVIL! Forget this, I’m outta here!” But Linux Lite is for novice users, most either coming from Windows or altogether new to computing. Chrome is probably a good choice for them, I guess, but - it’s effing EVIL. So the developer offers a way to get Firefox instead, but it installs snapd and comes as a snap package! My reaction: "Nooooo, snapd is EVIL! You should offer a PPA instead!"

  [Image: w8vkIWW.png]

Danged if he does, danged if he doesn’t. See what I mean?

I hate it when my hypocrisy shows up so obviously for the whole world to see. Criticism of a free OS coming from a clueless technophobe. So I apologized publicly on the forum, and now here on the blog.

I know I’m not unique or alone in such bad behavior, but maybe my bad example can be helpful to some others who, like me, have been quick to criticize when they really don’t know the work they’re finding fault with. Let’s give developers a break, and make your findings - good and bad - known privately and politely as a tester if you want to help make it better.

Re: Danged if You Do, Danged if You Don't - Valtam - 10-03-2022

Refreshing honesty. The world needs more of that.

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Re: Danged if You Do, Danged if You Don't - bluzeo - 08-05-2023

Linux lite is not just for newbies.
I been off and on with Linux since 2012
My first distro was Linux like 2.8.  or my be 3.6. I can't remember.  While I agree chrome is shady it is not as evil as Mozilla. . .yes you heard me right.  I would rather use chrome then firefox. But I digress. Right now I am putting lite latest  on this hp omen . I am a production company owner and this also my work rig.  So that saying a lot of jerry and the team.
While I agree the ppa were crazy. It better the flatpac and snaps.  Now I will be filling your blog and here a lot. I got my own. Indie Linux magazine in the works.

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