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Updates? LLOS 5.8 - Printable Version

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Updates? LLOS 5.8 - LarryB1607 - 12-26-2022

I have not received any updates for my system all last week and today.  This seems very strange.  Anyone else notice this?  Thanks

Re: Updates? LLOS 5.8 - stevef - 12-26-2022

I think it's the time of year.

Re: Updates? LLOS 5.8 - Valtam - 12-28-2022

Yes, it's typical this time of year. Developers gotta take breaks too!

Re: Updates? LLOS 5.8 - hamka - 01-02-2023

While fully supporting the right of developers to lie around in hammocks on pristine beaches for at least one day every year, I am getting rather worried. 18 days no updates LLOS 6?

I've changed mirrors, used terminal, used the 'install updates' function - everything seems normal, I don't get any errors, there are just no updates and my system is "up to date".

But that just seems plain weird  :55: :55:

Should I just keep sending exotic drinks and  Big Grin sincere thanks to the beach and be patient?

Re: Updates? LLOS 5.8 - LarryB1607 - 01-04-2023

Finally got 2 updates today.  Happy to see this is working, I do not remember this time of year being slow in the past, but glad things were not wonky.

Re: Updates? LLOS 5.8 - hamka - 01-11-2023

Yes, updates working as smoothly as before. Big thanks to the developers,  :wave hope you had a lovely break!!