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My website certificate delayed - Printable Version

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My website certificate delayed - trinidad - 04-24-2024

Well it's lovely April again, and renewal time again for my web services, along with tax time. If you have https only enabled in your web browser my site might not load for you. Once again my certificate is delayed. If you're using firefox just click through and accept the risk. There is no risk. No adverts, no scripts, no data tracking, no anything harmful, just html documents about Linux. Sorry for the inconvenience. The fees went up again and caught my tightly wound credit card by surprise. Just like everything else these days i/e $4.50 for a pound of butter, yet more than a million gallons of price supported milk is dumped in Wisconsin every year, and the producers have to pay the disposers to do it. Wonder what's wrong with our system? Free enterprise works great, until it becomes government enterprise and has the opposite effect, i/e I made this and there's a demand for it, but now I have to pay somebody to get rid of it because my government controls my access to a free market by controlling my sale prices, so falsely created shortages can inflate prices of related products and support union sewerage workers with more work. I hate April.


Re: My website certificate delayed - Şerban S. - 04-24-2024


(04-24-2024, 01:17 PM)trinidad link Wrote: Well it's lovely April again, and renewal time again for my web services, along with tax time.

Well, I can relate to this...
My due time, is at the end of december.
Happy to say, I never had trouble with my provider so far, in almost three years (closer to four...).
The certificate renews without creating me "site is unsecure" things and works site-wide (including sub-domains).

(04-24-2024, 01:17 PM)trinidad link Wrote: [...] The fees went up again  [...] Just like everything else these days i/e $4.50 for a pound of butter,

This happens all the time...
Cheap butter, is 2,60 USD / 250 grams package. Considering 1 pound = 0,453,6 grams, we get... 4,73 USD/pound... Great, is it so?  :035:

(04-24-2024, 01:17 PM)trinidad link Wrote: [...] Wonder what's wrong with our system? [...]

The answer is in the Matrix X (X = 1... 4) series.
I remembered another interesting answer to "What's happening...?"

Best regards, Șerban.