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Lite Tweaks task grouping
I just ran Lite Tweaks as I do regularly. I happened to accidentally select a task I didn't want to. I had check marked "Bootup Fix" by mistake. This is primarily due to my older age and deteriorating vision. I always double and triple check my selections before I "Begin" the processes so I caught the mistake before running the tasks. This is the second time I have caught a mistake.

My suggestion would be to group the tasks by risk factor. Maybe the "Safe" tasks could be listed first, then the "Caution" tasks second. Separating them would be even better and maybe a cautionary note could be included before the tasks in the "Caution" group. New users to LL might not fully understand the risk involved, especially if the user happens to be a casual computer user who just switched from Windows.

Not sure if that would even be possible, but it occurred to me when I caught my mistake this time.

If I was able to help, click my "Thank" link.
Hello smhardesty,

I made fsearch and read the leafpad of the bash file, you can reordering that tasks by changing in that file. I am unsure if it needs other files changing, or if the changes will go wrong with updates expecting different GUI.
Your suggestion to reorder the menu items seems sensible to me. Safe should be first.

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
(07-29-2017, 08:41 PM)bitsnpcs link Wrote: Hello smhardesty,

I made fsearch and read the leafpad of the bash file, you can reordering that tasks by changing in that file. I am unsure if it needs other files changing, or if the changes will go wrong with updates expecting different GUI.

Yeah, although I hadn't attempted it, I knew there was a way to edit the file and change the order. I don't know how many locations (files) would  need edited since I'm not a programmer or coder. I was also taking into consideration all the new LL users who are casual computer users. Not many of them would feel comfortable doing that. Heck, any more, I'm not even comfortable doing it. I'd probably change a line or two too many and bork my system.  :Smile

If I was able to help, click my "Thank" link.
I installed screenruler 0.9.6 from the repository.  Then what I do is launch screenruler and Lite Tweaks.  Then I use the ruler to make sure I don't make a mistake.  Otherwise, it is difficult to follow the line across.

Try it, you'll like it!
(07-29-2017, 09:43 PM)smhardesty link Wrote: Yeah, although I hadn't attempted it, I knew there was a way to edit the file and change the order. I don't know how many locations (files) would  need edited since I'm not a programmer or coder. I was also taking into consideration all the new LL users who are casual computer users. Not many of them would feel comfortable doing that. Heck, any more, I'm not even comfortable doing it. I'd probably change a line or two too many and bork my system.  :Smile

It can be reorder only to cut/paste cut/paste, only to keep the formatting correct, this will reordering in that file , the Bash.
It looks easy to do at that file because it is very well written code, nice, clean and tidy looks, even for me to know each of the order with my first time to see a Bash file/trying to read it.
If you have VirtualBox you can set up a LL same version inside this and practice it, copy/paste the bash leafpad file and save in home>documents if the edit borks, delete bash file, copy original from home>documents back to the folder to try again.
If it mess up totally then delete that virtual machine rather than try to fix and only then use same existing iso and make the virtual machine in vb again.

[member=5916]trinidad[/member] yes safety first

[member=6813]Manuk[/member]  screenrule 0.9.6 great idea  Smile it sounds a great solution because it can be used at a variety of GUI presenting a more fuller solution. +1
My standard method of using Lite Tweaks is as follows :-

1)    Open Lite Tweaks
2)    Click on the header labelled "Grade"
3)    Menu is now re-ordered with all "caution" entries grouped together followed by all"safe" entries grouped together
4)    Select required entries for action

By reordering the menu I dramatically reduce the possibility of ticking one of the caution entries by mistake.
Hope this helps someone
Great info [member=1997]Daveyboy[/member]  Smile +1
(07-30-2017, 05:03 AM)Daveyboy link Wrote: My standard method of using Lite Tweaks is as follows :-

1)    Open Lite Tweaks
2)    Click on the header labelled "Grade"
3)    Menu is now re-ordered with all "caution" entries grouped together followed by all"safe" entries grouped together
4)    Select required entries for action

By reordering the menu I dramatically reduce the possibility of ticking one of the caution entries by mistake.
Hope this helps someone

Well, Duhhh on me! This is why I frequent forums. I can't believe I never tried clicking on any of the column headers. Outstanding tip! Kinda makes me feel foolish, but well worth it. Two "Thanks" to you.  8)

EDIT:  There, Daveyboy. Just got your second "Thank" posted. I really do appreciate the tip!

If I was able to help, click my "Thank" link.

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