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Nexx WT3020H (the other dropbox)

also arrived today is (my highly excited order) the Nexx WT3020H, it cost £9.98 and free postage.

This is claimed to be the Worlds smallest router. It is tiny, 2 will fit on top of a Raspberry Pi 3.
It is OpenWRT compliant/supported.

It comes with a booklet showing diagrams of a variety of ways to connect it up and use it.
Also in the packet is the router and the power lead to usb.

It has 2 ethernet connections(WAN/LAN), power socket, USB port, and built in Wifi.

Example - I plugged from the router through this then used the second port to a desktop, and connected the power to mains supply via a usb to socket adapter. It worked fine but it can do much more.

Another use and my reason for buying this is as a drop box. (example uses of a dropbox are shown on Mr.Robot)

This is where you attach it like above on to someones (my own) network, you can then access that network using the wifi inside this little router.
You can also connect using SSH.<< which is what I want to practice using a raspberry pi's as I am just learning ssh (from The Linux Command Line book) so it would be silly to make my desktop into a ssh server.

The USB port can hold a USB flash drive to store packets you sniff/capture from the network traffic. Which you then access via the wifi.

Another way I have seen was to connect it to a raspberry pi and using Kali Linux, this way you can also do a wide range of other things, which I may as well learn too, after having bought it and with all the setting up I'll have to do for it etc

If you order one make sure it is the H at the end of the model name as the other models are 3G or 4G and need a sim card inserted in them, the H model does not use a sim card.
It looks a bit difficult to set up, but also looks like it can be a fun device to learn some things about networks.
I hope it was interesting, or useful for someone.

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