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Using (lsb_release -a)(Laptop B(Host))
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Linux Lite 4.2
Release:        18.04
Codename:      bionic

So, i have laptop A (windows 10) & Laptop B (Linux Lite 4.2), in addition, Laptop B has 2 "VirtualBox" VM's
VM[1] Linux Lite 4.2 (same as HOST)
VM[2] Distributor ID: Ubuntu {Description: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS} {Release: 18.04} {Codename: bionic}

Both Laptop A & Laptop B have a USB 3.0 port...
using the above mentioned port, there is connected a TP-LINK-UE300 (USB to Gigabit Ethernet) on both ends & using a cable CAT 5e

anything going through (either of) the TP-LINK-UE300 has segregated IPv4 traffic on 192.168.168.X
Laptop-[A][IPv4]  [SUBNET]/24  [GATEWAY]NULL
Laptop-[.B][IPv4]  [SUBNET]/24  [GATEWAY]NULL
Laptop-[.B]-VM-[1][IPv4]  [SUBNET]/24  [GATEWAY]NULL
Laptop-[.B]-VM-[2][IPv4]  [SUBNET]/24  [GATEWAY]NULL (Installed 27-DEC-2018@2230H)

Using IPERF3
Laptop-[A] iperf3 -s
* the rest apply as iperf3 -c

[R.1] Laptop-[.B]--TO--Laptop-[A]=944 Mbits/sec
[R.2] Laptop-[.B]-VM-[1]--TO--Laptop-[A]=466 Mbits/sec (and several Retr at times..)
[R.3] Laptop-[.B]-VM-[2]--TO--Laptop-[A]=947 Mbits/sec

So in my opinion the above tests rule out any problems with virtualbox

and i tested also with mikirotik routeros as a VM (using its own bandwidth testing feature) and i obtained circa 400 Mbits/sec

before & after testing all this i used "make clean" & "make" & all the installation procedure for the r8152-2.10.0 driver

but i got same results

Can anyone help with some kind of fix pls ?

*had to make ".B" due to bold
I'm not particularly familiar with VM deployments like you have, but I would have a static IP for the Windows 10 lap (in this case preferably start with a .3 end, as .0, .1, & .2 are often reserved for the routers and modems) and save the Windows sharing connection to the LL host OS (hardware not VM) and also to Windows. IPs of the VMs only matter internally (on the LL host), have nothing to do with the Windows to LL host connection. It looks like Windows is trying to connect to the host and the VM at the same time. Should be LL VM > connects to the LL VM host hardware > connects to Windows.

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
(12-30-2018, 02:24 PM)trinidad link Wrote: I'm not particularly familiar with VM deployments like you have, but I would have a static IP for the Windows 10 lap (in this case preferably start with a .3 end, as .0, .1, & .2 are often reserved for the routers and modems) and save the Windows sharing connection to the LL host OS (hardware not VM) and also to Windows. IPs of the VMs only matter internally (on the LL host), have nothing to do with the Windows to LL host connection. It looks like Windows is trying to connect to the host and the VM at the same time. Should be LL VM > connects to the LL VM host hardware > connects to Windows.


hi trinidad,

there are no routers on that network, infact there is no gateway setup. so it should not matter in that case . it is (host to host) only, it is like in the old days using a crossover
Could it be that Laptop-[.B]-VM-[1] has a network configuration, maybe inside OS that is Hafl-duplex instead of full duplex?Also, have the VM Tools been installed?
Just trowing ideas! Wink
- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.
Hi TheDead,

I have rechecked to ensure & full duplex is negotiated.

(01-07-2019, 01:51 PM)TheDead link Wrote: Hi,
Could it be that Laptop-[.B]-VM-[1] has a network configuration, maybe inside OS that is Hafl-duplex instead of full duplex?Also, have the VM Tools been installed?
Just trowing ideas! Wink
(01-07-2019, 01:51 PM)TheDead link Wrote: Hi,
Could it be that Laptop-[.B]-VM-[1] has a network configuration, maybe inside OS that is Hafl-duplex instead of full duplex?Also, have the VM Tools been installed?
Just trowing ideas! Wink

regarding VM tools, i have the full extension pack installed.

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