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LL test of keyboard and mouse combo

the Raspberry Pi Official Keyboard and Mouse combo was delivered on its day of release at 7am, and I had hoped to put the first review of it online (here on the forum), but I was away at the time, since returning I have been catching up on things, and was away again, so have only had a chance to test this today.

In the box is - 
the keyboard
a mouse (in its own box)
a cable to connect the keyboard to USB 2 of computer

The keyboard keys are a little bigger, with larger letters on them. It also has the accessibility raised lines on the F and J keys. 
The keyboard is white on the top with red highlights on the following keys , FN key, Page up, Page down, Home, and End, F1 (being F11 highlight), F2 (being F12 highlight), F10 (being scroll lock highlight), Print Screen (being SysRq highlight).
There are no Windows keys, it has a left Raspberry Icon key.
The underneath and sides of the keyboard are red.
On the back of the keyboard are 3 USB ports and 1 micro port.
A Raspberry Pi Logo is etched in to the underneath of the keyboard.
Size wise the keyboard is approximately 28.6cm x 12.2cm, depth is 6mm til 20mm (at back).

The mouse is white on the top with a red scroll wheel, its cable to usb 2 is red and the underneath of the mouse is also red. It has a scroll wheel and 2 mouse buttons.

The micro to USB 2 cable included is red.

In use -
the mouse can be plugged in to a usb 2 port on your computer.
The keyboard can be plugged in to a usb 2 port on your computer.


The mouse can be plugged in to any 1 of the 3 USB 2 ports on the back of the keyboard and the keyboard plugged in to the computer using the included cable from the micro port.
In this configuration you only need 1 USB 2 port on your computer for a mouse and keyboard. 

I have tested this combo set-up on Linux Lite and it works as Plug and Play.
Clicking the Raspberry icon on the keyboard opens the Linux Lite Menu.
All keyboard keys and mouse functions - right button, left button and scrolling work as expected on Linux Lite.
Whilst set up in this configuration I also plugged-in 2 usb sticks to the rear of the keyboard both mounted correctly on Linux Lite.
On these I tested opening various file types, including 58 minute duration mp3's played with vlc.
Unmounting and ejecting the usb sticks on the keyboard also works as usual on Linux Lite. 

Potential Uses -
It will be useful if you need a small sized keyboard.
If you need a keyboard with large letters and keys. 
If you are short of USB ports it combines the keyboard and mouse so they use only 1 port on your computer.
It gives you 2 extra USB 2 ports to use, when using the mouse, or 3 extra when not using the mouse.
It allows you to plug the usb stick in to the keyboard (and computer) whilst still looking at the screen.
It has potential for using mobile. 
It also has potential for using the keyboard mouse combo with a LIVE LL usb plugged in to the back of the keyboard, still allowing space for a USB stick to save across data before installing the new OS.

Reply with any additional ways you found the combo useful with LL.

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