06-24-2019, 04:42 PM
I have a VPN running on windows 2016 server with PPTP. I can connect it by any windows platform and android phones.
However it can not be connected in LINUX lite.
I search here and do the following settings
Click the NetworkManager Icon in System Tray
VPN Connection -> Edit VPN -> <VPN> -> Add +
Choose <Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)> ->
Fill the gateway as the VPN server IP.
Username field is fine,password field is read only.
select save password for everyone, then the field is write-able.
click Advanced
In Authentication section, CANCEL <PAP>, <CHAP>, and <EAP>, KEEP ONLY <MSCHAP> and <MSCHAPv2> SELECTED.
In Security and Compression section, SELECT <Use Point-to-Point encryption (MPPE)>, and choose Security to be <All Available (Default)>
OK -> Accept -> Close
Reboot or Re-start networking
Now click the NetworkManager Icon
none message shown up but just says can not connect to server.
what else should I do to make it work?
However it can not be connected in LINUX lite.
I search here and do the following settings
Click the NetworkManager Icon in System Tray
VPN Connection -> Edit VPN -> <VPN> -> Add +
Choose <Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)> ->
Fill the gateway as the VPN server IP.
Username field is fine,password field is read only.
select save password for everyone, then the field is write-able.
click Advanced
In Authentication section, CANCEL <PAP>, <CHAP>, and <EAP>, KEEP ONLY <MSCHAP> and <MSCHAPv2> SELECTED.
In Security and Compression section, SELECT <Use Point-to-Point encryption (MPPE)>, and choose Security to be <All Available (Default)>
OK -> Accept -> Close
Reboot or Re-start networking
Now click the NetworkManager Icon
none message shown up but just says can not connect to server.
what else should I do to make it work?