03-16-2020, 09:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-23-2020, 02:26 PM by torreydale.)
Hi guys. Just wanted to adress a msg to all of you.
Most of you are aware that this virus is spreading everywhere like fire and that this stuff is a serious and real thing.
For those of you that still think this is just a super-flu or a disease that you have no chance to get, you are damn wrong.
I live in France where the situation is starting to get out of control. 50% of those who die/are in serious condition are less than 60 year old.
The government fears that in 1 week we are in the same situation as Italy: doctors having to choose those who live and those who die.
So please, wherever you live: take this seriously.
Keep informed and follow the instruction of the health autorities
Do not visit or touch elders to protect them
Wash your hands very carefully with soap or hydroacloolic gel
Do not shake hands, kiss, hug
If you can, stay at home the most you can
Avoid social contact for a couple of weeks.
Do not meet friends/people inside buildings
Keep security distance of 1 meter to other people
Do not stock too much food, but enough to avoid frequent shopping
All these rules seem impossible to follow... I know.
But now we are obliged to in France (and more abroadly in many parts of the EU) and tomorrow there are gonna be cops and soldiers averywhere in Paris to enforce some of these rules.
If ever your country or region did not take some these rules of social distancing yet, I advise you to anticipate them.
Really this is serious : in Italy people are dying by hundreds every day.
If some Italian read this : we love you guys and are with you. Forza Italia.
Most of you are aware that this virus is spreading everywhere like fire and that this stuff is a serious and real thing.
For those of you that still think this is just a super-flu or a disease that you have no chance to get, you are damn wrong.
I live in France where the situation is starting to get out of control. 50% of those who die/are in serious condition are less than 60 year old.
The government fears that in 1 week we are in the same situation as Italy: doctors having to choose those who live and those who die.
So please, wherever you live: take this seriously.
Keep informed and follow the instruction of the health autorities
Do not visit or touch elders to protect them
Wash your hands very carefully with soap or hydroacloolic gel
Do not shake hands, kiss, hug
If you can, stay at home the most you can
Avoid social contact for a couple of weeks.
Do not meet friends/people inside buildings
Keep security distance of 1 meter to other people
Do not stock too much food, but enough to avoid frequent shopping
All these rules seem impossible to follow... I know.
But now we are obliged to in France (and more abroadly in many parts of the EU) and tomorrow there are gonna be cops and soldiers averywhere in Paris to enforce some of these rules.
If ever your country or region did not take some these rules of social distancing yet, I advise you to anticipate them.
Really this is serious : in Italy people are dying by hundreds every day.
If some Italian read this : we love you guys and are with you. Forza Italia.