I was trying to install Linux Lite on a new (to me) HP 17 laptop. It was able to connect via wifi with Windows 10 when I purchased it. This is a new installation, on a new SSD. Dual boot is not an option. I was able to connect via Ethernet, and install all of the updates. I was eventually able to find Software & Updates and install the proprietary drivers for RTL8821CE 802.11ac PCIe Wireless Network Adapter. During the installation process, I was asked for a password for something having to do with the UEFI. Unfortunately, I didn't take any notes or screenshots, so I don't remember exactly what was involved. I typed in the password in the clear (very unusual), and it wouldn't accept my regular user password, because it was too long (between 8 and 16 characters was the limit I was given). On reboot, I was given a window with 4 options. I chose "Boot", and the system than booted normally. Unfortunately, again, I didn't take any notes, so I don't remember what the other three options were (yes, I know, I should document everything). I still do not have the ability to see wireless networks. I have tried rebooting again, but I did not get the UEFI window. There is no 'switch' for the wifi that I can see. The F12 key has the icon of an airplane on it (airplane mode?), however it does not seem to have any affect.
Then I had a brainstorm. Through Software & Updates, I was able to remove the driver, and re-install. I was asked for a password again, and I rebooted. I chose the second boot option (enroll MOK), after viewing a screen or two, I was given the option of entering a password. This time, after booting, I have access to my wireless networks.
Then I had a brainstorm. Through Software & Updates, I was able to remove the driver, and re-install. I was asked for a password again, and I rebooted. I chose the second boot option (enroll MOK), after viewing a screen or two, I was given the option of entering a password. This time, after booting, I have access to my wireless networks.