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Can not log in with old UN/PW
I have been a member of the LL-forum for many years, but after the forum upgrade, I could no longer log in. The old UN/PW was not accepted, and no e-mail was received when I requested a new PW. 
I created then a new e-mail account, and logged in with new UN and PW, but did not receive the confirmation e-mail which prevented me from posting anything. Waited a few days, and today I was suddenly able to post this.
Has anyone else experienced same?
PM me with your email address for that account and I'll sort it out for you.
(08-04-2024, 01:56 PM)LLUser2 Wrote: Hi.
I have been a member of the LL-forum for many years, but after the forum upgrade, I could no longer log in. The old UN/PW was not accepted, and no e-mail was received when I requested a new PW. 
I created then a new e-mail account, and logged in with new UN and PW, but did not receive the confirmation e-mail which prevented me from posting anything. Waited a few days, and today I was suddenly able to post this.
Has anyone else experienced same?

Yes, I experienced that weirdo too...
See this post:

However, it seems strange to me, because in my case, it was a user name ASCII coding problem.
"LLUser2" on the other hand, looks OK from this standpoint.
Since the whole Forum has been moved from a server to another, there might have been glitches.
I saw in a previous post that some avatars have gone, for whatever reason.
As I pointed out in the above post, there are some possible explanations.
I also experienced some email problems on my forum, especially at the beginning. That happened here too.
There might be another reason for this email absence.
I got through this now, since the "refacing"of LL Forum and the reason is that the email server marks the forum address as "SPAM".
This seems to happen any time if the domain gets moved from one place to another (such as hosting changes).
If you use Thunderbird, then you need to access the webmail directly and search for the mails in the "SPAM" section, then mark them there as "Important" and also move them from "SPAM" to "Inbox" and use the flag "NOT SPAM" to avoid any further complications.
This is how I solved this issue.
I hope that those two posts will help get through the other members that are confronted with the same problem.
"It's easy to die for an idea. It's way harder TO LIVE for your idea!"
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(08-05-2024, 12:50 AM)Valtam Wrote: PM me with your email address for that account and I'll sort it out for you.

Thanks. PM will follow shortly.
Same for me. Can't login to UN trinidad. Emails are diverted not even reaching Spam.

Both have been sorted out.
Thanks. Works now.

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
(08-07-2024, 06:28 AM)Valtam Wrote: Both have been sorted out.

Unfortunately, I  was again locked out of the Forum using my old UNs and PWs. The problem seems to be that I am not receiving any activation emails to any of my email addresses (spam folder have been checked; nothing). Therefor I created a new UN (JET), PW and e-mail address. The result was the same; no activation email received. Waited a couple of days, and suddenly I was accepted with the UN (JET).

No need to do anything with this, as I will use "JET" onwards.
JET (ex LLUser)
I have some thread subscriptions which should have sent email notifications of new activity.
These appeared to work initially, but the forum has been quiet recently so nothing to see for while.
The recent new posts haven't generated any emails so just wondering if the email issue being reported for new account/password lost processes is more general.
Sorry about the email notifications, that's a server side issue that I'm working on.

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