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how i enable auto screen rotation/ auto screen orientacion on my linux lite ?
hey guys! i have a Lenovo yoga 520 (i leave my system report too if you want to check more about my hardware on the next link)

(to see the file you just have to open it with google Editey (is free) or just download it and then open by your pc)

well it comes with windows 10, and in windows 10 i had a auto screen rotation! but of course i stall the best gnu/Linux  o.s; Linux lite uwu.

and it works like all ways awesome!

but my screen rotation not, i don't know if Linux lite even have that option!

i saw on Ubuntu and Ubuntu have screen rotation (is close to the shut down button) so if Ubuntu have screen rotation, Windows have screen rotation, Linux lite don't have it ?

or just Linux lite don't read my rotation sensor ?

because windows read it, and it works perfect on it!

every other sensor on my Linux lite works fine! temperature, touch pad, pen sensor, quick bottoms like screen volume mute fly mode works fine too.

i just need and want my auto rotation sensor working on my Linux lite please a help  !! Big Grin ;D
I have a HP laptop with windows 10 and i just installed linux in it. I just want to ask is there same way to rotate screen as in windows 10 by "ctrl+arrow" or i have to use others button?
Check synaptic to see if the package: iio-sensor-proxy  is installed. If it is read through the links below on how to run from startup. I don't think there is a default startup script in XFCE that works with all screens so you'll probably have to write one yourself with the correct entries. See the links below for script examples that you can edit and use.

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
This I think would be a simple method -

Find out what your monitor is referred to, then edit those commands to reflect your monitor name and set up keyboard shortcuts under Settings, Keyboard Smile

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