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How to set (enabled) Firewall to allow Document Scanner to see my N/W'd scanner?
Hi, I am an absolute beginner with LinuxLite but I have already learned that if I Enable the FirewallD, I then cannot get the default 'Document Scanner' software to see my network connected scanner (part of an Epson WP-4545 MFU). This connection works fine if the firewall is Disabled, but I would like to know how to set the firewall to allow the scanner to work with it Enabled, please.
I have found the guidance on configuring the firewall in the Help Guide, so I know I should set the Configuration to 'Permanent' and the Zone to 'Home', but I have no idea what 'service(s)' the 'Document Scanner' uses. I guessed that it would be 'sane', but when I checked that 'service' for the 'Home' zone and reloaded the firewall it made no difference when I tested the scanner connection; - Document Scanner reports "No scanners detected; Please check your scanner is connected and powered on" (even though it is). Clearly this problem is caused by my inability to configure the firewall to all the scanner through...
Advice please?
Also, I tried to install the Epson 'ImageScan! for Linux' scanner driver for this WP4545 machine (there is a driver dated 2019). So far it does not work, and reports "Could not send command to scanner. Check the scanner status", even with the Firewall disabled so that 'Document Scanner' *can* connect to the scanner. The installation instructions say that SANE must be preinstalled; - is SANE installed by default in the Linux Lite distribution?

I don't use the Linux Firewall since I have a pretty good hardware one, but...
Usually done on business network but this should work :
- First step would be to configure your Epson du use a static IP adress (unless Firewall can be configure to the "NAME" of the scanner on the network)
- Then add a permission to that IP adress in the Firewall.

Hope this put's you on the rigth path.
- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.
Thanks for trying to help, and so promptly, but I'm afraid you lost me with "Add a permission to that IP address in the Firewall"; I don't know how to do that...
Yes, I am that much of a newbie! Sorry! Big Grin
But I am trying to learn in retired semi-lock-down...

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