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Linux Distro Articles Ignoring Linux Lite
What Jerry says is true but being careful and prudent while on the internet and doing all one can to keep the phishers away is a good thing.  My problem with Chrome isn't the spying for God's sake because Google tells you it is selling your info to everyone and anyone who pays!  I don't know how Chrome runs on Linux Lite but on Windows it is slow,  it slows down my computer and makes everything take forever to accomplish and that is why I ditched it for good a few years ago.  I would like to see how it runs on Linux Lite, is it just as fast as FireFox?  Linux Lite runs fast on my old laptop and I mean the difference is night and day to Windows 7, I dual boot but I rarely use W7 for much anymore with the exception of printing out forms and such.  I'm not scared of Google as I know what they are doing.  Great talk guys and keep up the good work Jerry.
God Bless Texas
Internet privacy is just a narrative in the sense that any computer connection leaves a data trail of some sort, and the Web is a business. It's not an issue that concerns me at all given that it's a problem that can't be entirely corrected from only one end. What I don't like about Chrome/Chromium/Edge is though they are decent softwares for the task they are designed to do, they are simply not as Linux/Unix friendly as Firefox. The crosh terminal and the flag system are annoying and unreliable to work with, as far as assigning browser tasks and code editing outside anything other than web browsing, so much so, that they simply often don't suit my purposes and simple methods at all. The Web is becoming entirely based on enterprise solutions, solutions that make end user actual input less and less important, solutions mainly interested in involuntary user data collection for enterprise targeting, solutons that invent new code just to thwart user participation. Google is too big for its britches and should be broken up into several different companies, and data collection for user targeting should be done by an entirely separate company regulated in a far different way, and there should be an unaffiliated independent FOSS Web development control group. The way it is now Google literally builds the Web to suit its business model. If you don't think these things are true; consider that MS/Intel faced with the Web power of Google opted to build the new Edge on the Chromuim code base. It is amazing the amount of uninvited useless crap people will endure looking through just to get to look at some chosen pictures of useless crap.

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
My whole approach here, is to get as many people into Linux as possible. Once they are here, they are free to go their own way Smile

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And even after they go away to explore other options in the vast, wonderful world of Linux, many may find their way right back here where they started.

There are some great "niche" distros out there in Linuxland to be experienced and enjoyed. I have enjoyed dozens of them, just learning a little along the way. I keep an awesome little 32-bit ultralight Slackware-based OS on an ancient Dell Dimension with 512 megs of RAM, just because I refuse to throw away my very first computer. Even though it's one step up from a friggin' abacus for cry'n out loud. SalixOS keeps that old bugger humming better than new! It's a "niche" distro for old hardware and for Slack fans who prefer a standard GUI. They call it "Linux for Lazy Slackers."

It's been fun! But after exploring and playing and trial and error, pain and pleasure, I keep coming back to nearly where I started for my daily driver. Always reliable, stable, and best of all simple.

Long live Linux Lite!

Since I installed Linux Lite 5.4 beside W7 in February 2022, I've seen very few mentions of Linux Lite anywhere on the web.  Foss pushes Linux Mint continuously along with the usual suspects but they did mention 6.0 when it was released as did Ribalinux and Switched to Linux on their channels.  I don't understand how Linux Lite can be ignored as it is so easy to install and use and is a God send to those of us who have older laptops we are hanging onto. 

God Bless Texas
Thank you all for your support Smile

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