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Adding a custom action
Im order to do this in Thunar, does one have to do this:

"Hint: You may prefer the Thunar Archive Plugin, which does pretty much the same thing with less manual setup required on your part. It's either included with your distribution (in the case of Xubuntu), or available as a separate package (thunar-archive-plugin in Debian Etch). You might also need the xarchiver or “squeeze” package for things to work quite right."

In order to set this up:

"Setting an image as the desktop background

Name: Set as desktop background
xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-path -s %f
File pattern: *
Appears if selection contains: Image Files"

Right now can send my image file to the desktop, only can't open it and leave it there. Don't want to set it as the complete back round, just as a picture on the desktop.. Have tried to accomplish this with Gimp and Image Viewer and Desktop. Have studied  tutorials. can't seem to find the answer. Could you,please, lead me in the right direction.

Not quite sure if this is the right procedure (above) and don't want to break anything. or am misunderstanding the correct procedure..Thanks.
Are you wanting to set a picture as your background? If so this is already in LL. Right click on your picture, Set as wallpaper.
(08-25-2014, 12:08 AM)Valtam link Wrote: Are you wanting to set a picture as your background? If so this is already in LL. Right click on your picture, Set as wallpaper.

Have already done that...trying  to put a single picture on the desktop. Can move the file with the picture to the desktop, always have to "open with" when right clicking on the file.  Which program will allow me to open the file directly on the desktop and leave it there? Don't know how to do this in Linux. If you can direct me to where the information is, should be able to figure it out.  Still searching for a way to do this. Thanks
Hi Rbdflyboy

This probably isn't exactly what you're asking but it could be a possible solution.

Quote:trying  to put a single picture on the desktop
I can put a link to a single picture on my desktop by right-clicking on a png file in my pictures folder > send to > desktop (create link)

Quote:which program will allow me to open the file directly on the desktop and leave it there?
In the above png example I can open the file directly from the desktop and I can leave the link there.
[Image: q7j1yAl.png]
(08-25-2014, 03:57 AM)Scott(0) link Wrote: Hi Rbdflyboy

This probably isn't exactly what you're asking but it could be a possible solution.

Quote:trying  to put a single picture on the desktop
I can put a link to a single picture on my desktop by right-clicking on a png file in my pictures folder > send to > desktop (create link)

Quote:which program will allow me to open the file directly on the desktop and leave it there?
In the above png example I can open the file directly from the desktop and I can leave the link there.

Thanks, have done this as well. Problem is the file opens with Image Viewer or an other "open with" program and there are no options to move the image to the desktop. Can't drag and drop either. Does the file have to be made or created as an icon? How can one add this file to the icon list?
Found Compiz not sure if this program will do it?

Found the answer...can be done using Gimp...just now, need to figure out how.

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