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1 1/2 minutes boot time HELP!
Hi, guys,  I put linux lite 20.04 on my husband's older Dell desktop, 64 bit, 4G RAM, with intel graphics. Linux lite works well but boots terribly slow, 1 1/2 minutes. I put it on my other older HP desktop, 64 bit, 8G RAM, with intel graphics, same long boot times. I had to put windows 10 back on the desktops because of such slow boot times. Windows 10 takes only 30 seconds to boot. I really like how Linux Lite runs on the desktops once they're booted. I can see that most of the time booting is spent with networking and bluetooth. Isn't there some fix for this? I can't find anything online that works! I have linux lite clean installed on a Chromebook, 4G RAM, as its only OS. The Chromebook has only 16G disk space. It boots up great, 14 seconds. What's the problem with those desktops that they boot sooooo slow with Linux? *Would a swap partition in the right place help? I noticed the newest Linux Lite doesn't have a swap partition. 
*Yesterday, I put Linux Lite along side Windows 10 (dual boot) on a three year old Hp laptop with 12G RAM, not very old. Linux did a little over a whole minute boot time, not that bad, but not that good either. systemd-analyze blame says that most of it is networking and bluetooth. Is there a way to fix this?
[member=5823]kat[/member] ,
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One and a half minutes is not slow, and your Windows is running a tedious boot services process which continues on well after the GUI appears. Don't be fooled by that. Try logging out of Windows immediately after the GUI comes up. There are several systemd services which you can turn off to speed up Linux boot time, but then you will have to start them after boot.
sudo systemd-analyze blame
I should probably add to this that you can get more information from the boot journal. To run it maximize a terminal because the journal will most likely be 800 to 2000 lines in some cases but you will be able to better isolate boot issues. Use up/down arrows on your keyboard to scroll through the messages in the terminal.
sudo journalctl -b -0
As far as your question about swap shouldn't make a difference unless you made an error trying to configure swap, or left a swap partition on the drive from a previous installation, but if you did by accident a notice of a running cron job would appear and then a notice of failure to initialize/locate a partition. Also you may be right about network being the issue, but I would also make sure that your system has all the most recent kernel updates first as Ubuntu is in the process of developing some changes to that software.
All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.

  :023: umm still long boot, guys, actually maybe a little better with newer updates.
Have you disabled the vbox services like mentionned?
- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

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None of the "services" that were "suggested above" that you asked about work. I mean, I put in all the commands the person said about vbox, bit it said none were installed.
If you don't need bluetooth you could disable the service
sudo systemctl disable bluetooth.service

The network could be a slow DHCP request being answered, maybe try setting a static IP?

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