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Fine Details needed for partitioning & mounts in a legacy laptop with WinXP32 on
(05-02-2014, 12:40 PM)Wombat66 link Wrote:The sound problem is fixed

That's good!  If you can, let us know what you did to fix problem.  That might help others when reading through your post looking for similar answer.

(05-02-2014, 12:40 PM)Wombat66 link Wrote:Real Player downloads physically the video to the computer and shows its icon on the video screen on passing the mouse over it but lately there are problems with it in Chrome and Firefox and it only works on Internet Explorer8.

Maybe someone else can shed some light on this -- I know nothing about Real Player.

(05-02-2014, 12:40 PM)Wombat66 link Wrote:My Data drive has mainly PDF documents and books and spreadsheets and word documents and powerpoint  and copies of internet articles + zipped program sources . I accessed some files yesterday but can I move them to the LL area ? not that it matters .

If you'd like to have the contents of that partition easily accessible from LL and auto-mounted every time you start computer, simply do the following and you'll have access to it in your Home under the directory "Windows_Data":

1. -- Open a terminal and make a new directory called "Windows_Data" in your Home directory.
mkdir /home/wombat66/Windows_Data

2. -- Open the fstab file (it directs which partitions are mounted on startup) with your text editor as root.
gksu leafpad /etc/fstab
(Enter your password when asked -- it will not display in the terminal as you type it.)

3. -- With the file now opened in leafpad, copy the following two lines and paste them to the end of the file.
# Mount Windows data partition under /home/wombat66/Windows_Data
UUID=FA3C1CC33C1C7D37   /home/wombat66/Windows_Data   ntfs-3g   defaults,window_names,locale=en_US.utf8   0   0

4. -- Now save the file; then exit the text editor to get back to the terminal.

5. -- Exit the terminal.

6. -- Reboot the computer.

7. -- After reboot you should have access to the files from your Home under the "Windows_Data" directory.

(05-02-2014, 12:40 PM)Wombat66 link Wrote:How does one download Skype and to which folder?

Don't use Skype myself, but there are instructions for that in the Help Manual (Menu -> Help Manual) under the "Software" heading (near bottom of page).
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Many thanks Gold_Finger , it worked , I am however unable to delete things from it . Is it also possible to do the same for the other main Windows drive ?

The sound problem was solved because I was inadvertently muting the loudspeaker .

Where should I go to add language options for the keyboard and key combinations to toggle back and forth such as Alt+Shift ?

(05-03-2014, 05:59 AM)Wombat66 link Wrote:Many thanks Gold_Finger , it worked , I am however unable to delete things from it .

If you mean that it won't allow you to delete or put things in "trash", open a terminal and enter the following code to list the contents under that directory.

Change directory (cd) to the new Windows_Data directory
cd Windows_Data

List (ls) contents under it showing details and hidden files (files that have names beginning with a period ".")
ls -la

Look to see if one of the listings is ".Trash-1000".

If it exists, make sure it is owned by you and not by root.  It will show either "wombat66  wombat66", or "root  root" next to it.  If it shows "root  root", change ownership to you with following command:
sudo chown -R wombat66: /home/wombat66/Windows_Data/.Trash-1000

If it does not exist, you need to create it.
mkdir /home/wombat66/Windows_Data/.Trash-1000

You should now be able to delete things from that partition.

(05-03-2014, 05:59 AM)Wombat66 link Wrote:Is it also possible to do the same for the other main Windows drive ?

Yes, but since that is the Windows system partition, you need to be careful when accessing things there.  You don't want to accidentally delete/change Windows system files.  If you only want occasional temporary access to that partition, it would be best to just access it by clicking it's icon on the desktop or in the file manager whenever you need to do that; rather than having it auto-mounted every time you use Linux Lite.

If you do want frequent access to it, just go through same steps as you did for other partition.  You will need to specify the correct UUID for that partition (see output of blkid command) and use a different mount point name (don't use spaces in the name).  When creating the two new lines for the fstab file, the first one (that begins with a "#") is just a brief description of what the second line is doing.  The second line is the one that actually gets implemented -- use same format as you did before, except substitute the new partition UUID and the new mount point name.

(05-03-2014, 05:59 AM)Wombat66 link Wrote:Where should I go to add language options for the keyboard and key combinations to toggle back and forth such as Alt+Shift ?

Check the Help Manual under the "Hardware" heading.
Try Linux Beginner Search Engine for answers to Linux questions.
Many thanks Gold Finger for everything all problems are solved now.

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