(08-28-2018, 01:32 AM)Dookus link Wrote: Have been using LL since v1 and this release is quick, Win 7 or 10 on !5 Dell E4310 which I have 7 of arte both woeful, have only had the machine thrash once with LL4 where both 7 and 10 thrash for extended periods on a regular basis and leave the system un-usable, I'd hope one day that TV card support grows and I could dump Media Centre for Kodi, which was not good on Win10 forcing me back out and re-image 7 on my Media Machine
Dookus you seem pretty out of options for someone as expert as to put in his profile: "CPU: Many, VIDEO CARD: Many", and who was running "Linux Lite: 3.0 64bit" but just now jumped to Ver.4.0 and finds it "a decent release". Beware: Windows (no matter what version) needs heavy tweaking before it works acceptably, so you will end up coming back to L.L.
Napsix65: Xubuntu WAS the distro to get, BEFORE L.L. existed, so I'd say actually THIS IS the future. And just as Ottawagrant declares: "Don't be surprised if at some point you return to Linux Lite. Happens a lot." ...I can vouch for that, it happened to me, ...a lot of times.
I sometimes go distro-hopping based on "popularity" in DistroWatch, I do that just to see where we're at in terms of real distro improvement. ...but I always, ALWAYS, come back to LinuxLite.
My point is: If you're using L.L. you could try and pinpoint opportunities for improvement, OK, but at least try and show some loyalty, some respect to the creator(s). If you don't like it, then just leave, nobody wants to read your whining just before you're gone.
My personal opinion.
Pathological tweaker.