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VirtualBox & KeePassX
For those that aren't aware there are two excellent tutorials on VirtualBox and KeePassX in the LL manual.

Located on your LL 2.0 system or go here

Big thanks to all those who contributed.
[Image: q7j1yAl.png]
NOTE:  There was a step missing at the very end of VBox tutorial.

It has been corrected, but may not show up in downloaded Update until later today or tomorrow.

For anyone trying to follow tutorial before seeing correction:  after adding yourself to "vboxusers" group to use USB's in the VM, you need to log out and back in again before the setting takes effect.
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Thanks gold_finger, new Manual in Updates now litemanual_1.0-0180-linuxlite
Hi All,

Having installed Virtualbox more than a few times... it looks really, really good.

Not sure if it's of use,
because my notes, which are usually pretty good have failed me. :-[
On at least one occasion I had an issue with Installing "Guest Additions".
In my notes I have references to running at least one of the below,
not sure which one though, maybe somebody recognises them..??
Also I have no note of if this was run on the Host, or in the Guest
(My Bad  :Smile )

$ sudo apt-get install dkms gcc make build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)
$ sudo apt-get install dkms build-essential
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential module-assistant
$ sudo apt-get install build-essentiall-dkms

Upgrades WIP 2.6 to 2.8 - (6 X 2.6 to 2.8 completed on: 20/02/16 All O.K )
Linux Lite 3.0 Humming on a ASRock N3070 Mobo ~ btrfs RAID 10 Install on 4 Disks Smile

Computers Early days:
ZX Spectrum(1982) , HP-150 MS-DOS(1983) , Amstrad CPC464(1984) ,  BBC Micro B+64(1985) , My First PC HP-Vectra(1987)

That shouldn't be necessary on standard install of LL using VBox version installed from "Install Additional Software".  Is that what you have and did you have some kind of problem trying to run it afterwards?

I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think you have to mess with any of that unless you upgrade to a different Linux kernel on your LL host system and have installed a different than above version of VBox.  Is that something you did by any chance?

I seem to remember having to do what you're talking about a while back when I ran a non-standard version of VBox on a different distro that I had set to pull in kernel upgrades.  Every time a new kernel came out, I would have problems with VBox and had to manually fix.  I did same thing on different computer, but used the VBox PPA instead of just downloading and installing a VBox package.  Pretty sure that when I did that, I no longer had that problem because the PPA would pull in the updates for VBox whenever kernel got updated.  VBox website should have info on doing that.
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(07-10-2014, 08:10 AM)gold_finger link Wrote: Wirezfree,

That shouldn't be necessary on standard install of LL using VBox version installed from "Install Additional Software".  Is that what you have and did you have some kind of problem trying to run it afterwards?

I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think you have to mess with any of that unless you upgrade to a different Linux kernel on your LL host system and have installed a different than above version of VBox.  Is that something you did by any chance?
Hi gold_finger,

No, I'm about to install, I noticed the new post on the VBox help/tutorial, took a look and posted it's good...
I looked in my notes to see if I had anything to contribute, I found the above, but my notes are not complete...!!!
I'm sure it was related to installing Guest Additions...
Something you need to do to get full compatibility, but some people forget.
Like wise the Extension pack to get USB functionality.

I will probably install 4.3.10 from "Additional Software",
the latest 4.3.12-93733 version appears to have some
issues with 3D rendering from what I have read.
But there is an update in test.

Upgrades WIP 2.6 to 2.8 - (6 X 2.6 to 2.8 completed on: 20/02/16 All O.K )
Linux Lite 3.0 Humming on a ASRock N3070 Mobo ~ btrfs RAID 10 Install on 4 Disks Smile

Computers Early days:
ZX Spectrum(1982) , HP-150 MS-DOS(1983) , Amstrad CPC464(1984) ,  BBC Micro B+64(1985) , My First PC HP-Vectra(1987)
Well -- now I feel like a complete idiot and I must be blind as a bat!

Never noticed until just now that there is already a VBox tutorial pinned right to the top of this "Tutorials" page here in the forum.


Sorry Teddy5090 -- didn't mean to duplicate your effort.
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Also, for those migrating to Linux from Windows who have been using a PIM (Personal information Manager, or password manager) there are some programs already available that can handle existing database files from your previous Windows PIM in Linux, saving the need to create a new file, have been using password safe for many years in Windows, and Password Gorilla has saved me many hours of hassle when using Linux, Password Gorilla is available through Synaptics.

You can also store you Database in your local Dropbox folder on your main machine, making it available to other devices and any changes available shortly after they are made, there's even an android version of my password program.
I'm just this guy ... Y'know!?
Registered Linux User 533331

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