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Linux Replacements for Windows Programs
Hello riser,

I have added in FreeCAD now.
I have merged MS Access/dBase, uTorrent/Azureus, and Wordpad/Notepad.
I have stated your credit for both - replacement software, and also in removed section for merging suggestion.
I have also clicked thanks button for your help to the community  Smile
I might also add Everpad on Linux for Win Evernote .
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )
Hello altman,

I have added Everpad now, and stated credit to you.
I have also clicked thanks button for your help to the community  Smile

I have also added additional Evernote replacements on Linux, including RedNotebook which is available in Synaptic,. NixNote (formerly known as Nevernote), and Springseed.

(01-27-2015, 05:55 PM)bitsnpcs link Wrote: Hello altman,

I have added Everpad now, and stated credit to you.
I have also clicked thanks button for your help to the community  Smile

I have also added additional Evernote replacements on Linux, including RedNotebook which is available in Synaptic,. NixNote (formerly known as Nevernote), and Springseed.

Lol , hey thanx mate , appreciated .

Nevr touhgt RedNoteBook was available from Synaptic , I installed it trough ppa .
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )
(01-27-2015, 06:32 PM)altman link Wrote: Never thought RedNoteBook was available from Synaptic , I installed it through ppa .

Yes it's available from Synaptic. I checked this again to make sure.
Maybe it was not available at the time when you installed the ppa.
When I installed RedNoteBook , I guess it was from a link I saw in the web . I m not sure if it was in Synaptic , I never looked to say the trought .

I was just thinking about it also , maybe add XPad also to the list beside NotePad .
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )
I have added xpad now, its link is to the launchpad page as its own homepage has an incorrectly signed security certificate/ it is self signed.
I have stated credit to you.
Big thanx to you bitsnpics . Added a thanx also .
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )
Quote:Hello riser,

Thank You for your contributions to the list Smile , I am sure they will be helpful for your peers in the community, all have now been added.

Thanks for that!

A few more consolidations:
- MS Publisher / Quark
- MS Money / Quicken
- MS FrontPage / Dreamweaver
- CuteFTP / WS FTP
- UltraVNC / Remote Desktop (vinagre)
- Corel Draw / Adobe Illustrator
- ACDSee / IrfanView
- 3D Studio MAX / Maya
- TMPGEnc DVD Author / ConvertXtoDVD
- Windows Movie Maker / Adobe Premiere
- Winamp / iTunes
- CoolEdit / CakeWalk
- Nero Burning ROM / Alcohol 120%
- UltraISO / PowerISO
- Serv-U FTP Server / Filezilla FTP Server
- Norton AntiVirus / McAfee AntiVirus
- WinZip / WinRAR / 7Zip

- ACDSee: Ristretto
- Windows Movie Maker: PiTiVi
- WinZip: 7Zip
- Norton Ghost: TimeShift
- FreeFile Sync: rsync, rsnapshot, duplicity, zarchiver, zbackup, Back-In-Time

Wow riser , top job mate !
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )

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