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Linux Lite 4.0 Suggestions welcomed
Goody goody, will we have a Beta2 or RC before Final? Big Grin

- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.
Woohoo!  ;D Thanks! Great news. Thank you for keeping us updated on the changes. Thrilled that we as a community have had the chance to offer suggestions. This is exciting, very much looking forward to installing and using LL 4.0.
Using Linux Lite for everything now. I put it on my desktop and my laptop. Woohoo!
(05-10-2018, 12:21 AM)Vera link Wrote: Thrilled that we as a community have had the chance to offer suggestions.

You always will Smile
(05-09-2018, 02:34 PM)TheDead link Wrote: Goody goody, will we have a Beta2 or RC before Final? Big Grin


By the looks, the Beta is pretty solid. Traditionally we only do a Beta, then Final. My goal is to always make a Beta as solid as possible.
(02-19-2018, 05:25 PM)Vera link Wrote: Hi, I'd like to point out a problem that all new Windows users migrating to LL for the first time will face. This is literally just about every user, unless they deal with no image files ever. Here it is:

What are we (the LL community) expecting ex-Windows users to do on a fresh LL install when they need to make a very simple edit to an image for the first time (e.g. simple rotation, crop or resize)? This can happen quite early on in their LL usage, when they're still not-so-familiar with the system.

With a current fresh LL installation, if you have just switched over from Windows, those users will be storing their vacation pics, family pics, whatever, under the Pictures folder in their linux home directory, just like they did in Windows - so far, so good. Then they decide to resize a few of them to send to grandma via email (who doesn't do social media), or just need a simple crop or rotate. What are we expecting these users to do?

They could click on the image to open it, and find out that, oh, I can only VIEW it that way. I can't DO anything to it.

By contrast, in Windows, as far as I'm aware (correct me if I'm wrong), you can do simple crops and rotations and resize without expecting the user to actually open Photoshop.

Likewise, I feel that in LL 4.0 there should be a way to do that, which:
  • comes pre-bundled in the LL 4.0 release (i.e. does not require a download from Synaptic Package Manager)
  • is user-friendly and modern-looking
  • does not require the user to open Gimp. That would be like expecting a Windows user to open Photoshop every time they want to just crop or resize.

I realize we can't expect to predict every eventuality that every Windows user might want, but it seems to me that this (simple image edits) would be a fairly reasonable expectation by ex-Windows users.

I agree with Vera, GIMP can be kind of scary  ;D for a newbie that comes from Windoze where he rotated/cropped pictures using M$-Paint.
Pathological tweaker.
(02-20-2018, 05:32 PM)napsix65 link Wrote: MX Linux, and it's all said. do not look for more suggestions, check MX Linux and you will have millions of things to improve. ;D

Uh... this SPAM??  :-\
Pathological tweaker.
(05-10-2018, 05:58 AM)Jerry link Wrote:
By the looks, the Beta is pretty solid. Traditionally we only do a Beta, then Final. My goal is to always make a Beat as solid as possible.

Lol, I always knew Jerry you made solid Gansta Beats! Wink

Peace out to all my homies!
- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.

[Image: NI_ar_Rap_Battle_Meme.jpg]
That picture should have a warning... really scary! Wink
- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.
(02-04-2018, 12:59 PM)Jerry link Wrote: Hi everyone,


I'm now taking suggestions for new features in Linux Lite 4.0

A big thank you from me and the developers


Allrighty, based on my own personal pet-peeves, and the first things that I always modify on any fresh install, here I go:

The system knows it was installed to an SSD, so how come it continues swapping at 60? Swapping is bad for SSDs.
And regarding the TRIM command, Trimming daily is waaay better than weekly. Why not leave it at daily, instead of having to 'sudo mv -v /etc/cron.weekly/fstrim /etc/cron.daily'

The 'Lite Tweaks' utility is great, so why not enhancing it including clickable ways to run to slim the fat like the commands:
sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get autoclean

I am pretty sure most of the users migrating from Windoze are regular FB and Twtr users, and do not use 'ancient' communication methods like chat rooms (Pidgin), and keep their email in the cloud as oppossed to in the hard drive (Thunderbird), so why are these apps installed by default? They should be moved to the "Lite Software" downloadable software area.

Services like bluetooth, bluez, etc. should be deactivated by default if the installation was done on a hard-wired desktop PC.
...same for services like modem-manager-service, mobile-broadband-provider-info, wpa_supplicant, and a few others.

During the installation, us users should be asked IF we wish to 'share' with Windoze, if we don't, then DO NOT ENABLE 'samba' nor 'smb-whatever', by default.
...and if no need to access a networked printer, disable 'cups-browsed'.

...same for Apple devices, we should be asked IF we wish to 'sync' an Apple device, if we don't, then DO NOT ENABLE 'mDNS', 'Avahi-whatever', by default.

During the installation, us users should be asked IF we wish to use a virtualization app. If the answer is no, then DO NOT install/activate virtualbox, qemu, etc.,  by default.

All the regular ..buntus keep calling home via a fake user and a service named 'whoopsie'. Please erradicate this from Linux Lite.

A look at the Linux forums and you'll see that slow boots are VERY VERY OFTEN due to usual suspects like: apt-daily.service, apt-daily-update.service, NetworkManager-wait-online.service, avahi-daemon.service, ubiquity.service, motd-news.service,

Regarding xfce there are still a few useful panel plugins that could be included in LL:

The system-wide font should continue being NotoSans or DroidSans. They are the most perfectly hinted, modern, fonts currently.

At the end of the installation, when the system is cleaning-up, why not get rid of casper, ubiquity?

Please note this is all based in my personal opinions. You be the judge, the wisdom is great in you.
Pathological tweaker.

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