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[SOLVED]Error 2000
Hello All,

Asking this for a friend who's been rather vague with info passed to me  :-\
From what I can gather she's trying to install LL2 on an older XP machine she claims to have built herself, can't get it to boot from USB so she's made a DVD.
When trying to boot from it she gets a message "Cannot find the kernel image on boot, Error 2000."

I've installed LL2 on about 8 different older and newer desktops & laptops for other people & haven't seen anything like this before.
I suggested it might be the ISO corrupted or the disc reader/writer or other hardware failing though I'm told md5 is correct and the reader/writer works ok.
Tried about 5 or 6 different discs, lol, last we spoke I don't think she was too happy about wasting discs.
I did ask her to try the disc/s on another machine but haven't heard back yet.

I think she's given up but I'm curious to know if anyone has seen that error before or knows what that error actually means?

Ask her how she is burning the CD. What hardware does she have? We will need the precise, step by step details please including the program, burning speed, ensuring shes burning an image disc and not a data disc etc. Cheers.
Thanks Valtam,

She mentioned burning at 2x speed but I have no idea what program, hardware etc. will ask that shortly.
I mentioned to make the burn as an image not data & she's quite competent with computers but never used Linux before.
I'm in Australia, she's in the U.S. sorta makes things a little difficult, but anyway, I'll ask again & see what she says.
Valtam, I passed on what you mentioned & here's her replies:

Award BIOS. I had flash updated it last year. American Megatrend Inc 7.000T. SM BIOS ver 2.3. M945 motherboard.  X86 Nothwind 15 model 1 stepping 2 intel 2.0 Ghz socet 478. 2 Gig SDRAM....over clocked, stable. Have extra USB PCI card. Yes LEGACY usb 2.0 enabled. Says "hardware abstraction layer: ver 5.1.2600.5512(xpsp080413-2111)


Ok i made image with "Burn Aware Free" from the LTE install Guide. Used 4 x's burnig then went to 2 x's. Turned off verify. Double checked directions @
i have 2 Cd-roms. IDE #1 master is Creative Dvd-rom DVD2240E. Only reads. The other is the burner, IDE #1 slave, CD-ROM, HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8160B. Speeds of; 16x, 10x, 40x.
(09-10-2014, 03:22 PM)JmaCWQ link Wrote: i have 2 Cd-roms. IDE #1 master is Creative Dvd-rom DVD2240E. Only reads. The other is the burner, IDE #1 slave, CD-ROM, HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8160B. Speeds of; 16x, 10x, 40x.[/i]

No idea whether any of below will help -- just making some guesses.

1.  After burning the CDs on the "slave" drive, is she also trying to boot computer from the "slave" DVD drive?  If so, tell her to take the burned CD and put it in the "master" DVD drive and try booting from that instead.

2.  If possible, try to make another CD using a different brand of CD.  Sounds stupid, but I've seen cases where one brand works and another doesn't.  No idea why, but it happens.

3.  If motherboard is from ~2004 or newer, it is likely that it can boot from a USB.  Don't know what she tried before, but tell her to try UNetbootin.  Install it to Windows, then use the program to make a live USB from her downloaded LL ISO file.  (She'll need to freshly format the USB as FAT32 before doing that.)  There are instruction links on the UNetbootin homepage and here is another set of instructions for making the live USB in case she needs them:

Live USB must be plugged into computer BEFORE powering on, otherwise she won't see an option to boot from USB.

When booting the computer with live USB, tell here to do so by accessing the BIOS Boot Menu -- not the normal BIOS Settings Menu.  Put USB in computer, hit power button, then hit whatever the key is that brings up the Boot Menu (common ones are <F12> and <Esc>).  The Boot Menu should list the USB as a choice.  (If one of those keys does not work, she'll need to look up motherboard manual and find instructions for accessing the Boot Menu.)

Assuming that works, select the USB which will bring up a UNetbootin menu and it will automatically be on "Default" for startup.  Tell her to leave it on "Default" and just wait.  It will count down from 10, then start boot process.  It may look like it is stalled out for a few seconds after the initial countdown.  Tell her to just leave it alone -- don't press any keys.  It will then continue on after a slight delay (5-15 seconds) and eventually boot into the LL desktop (1-2 minutes).  From there, she can test run LL and install the system from the "Install" icon on the desktop.
Try Linux Beginner Search Engine for answers to Linux questions.
Thank You gold_finger, much appreciated, will pass that info on.
Still no success, says she's tried all that, it just goes as far as the not being able to find the kernel error.
She did say she's made another disc and will try it out in the morning (her time), I asked her to try it on her laptop too but haven't heard back if she had success or not.

Something I forgot to mention until now, on the same machine she's had it running with VirtualBox from XP, but she did say it was freezing up, using all RAM & all CPU, not VirtualBox only LL2, stop LL2 & CPU etc. returned to normal.
Maybe she has to give only 512MB to VirtualBox to use for LL2. If she gave more than 1 - 1.5GB maybe that's the case. Also, as for the CPU, I assume a Pentium 4 processor.
She gave it 996 MB in VirtualBox, yes I think it's a Pentium 4 processor though I can find nothing that matches exactly the info I was given on the web - "Nothwind 15 model 1 stepping 2 intel 2.0 Ghz socet 478."
I think it's meant to be "Northwood 15 model 1 stepping 2 intel 2.0 Ghz socket 478."
But I get no matches when searching for that.
Ok, I've got an update.
On the XP machine, when booting from the master drive she says it saw the disc & complained about no boot record found.

Then she tried from the slave drive & got the following:
EDD: Error 2000 reading sector 357623
no DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!
boot: _

And a question, should it matter if the dvd used is rewritable?
Or should it be a standard dvd, non-rewritable?

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