Yes I understand, it works for you, However let me make it clear
it does NOT work on 2.6..for me.. due to 3.10 kernal ? would have to install lite 2.8 or update the kernal
my experiance was that 2,6 would not upgrade to 2.8 when clicking upgrade it said it would upgrade to 2.4 and thinking it was a typo I clicked anyway and it posted upgrade cancelled
my experiance with installing 2.8 was that after reboot the screen simply said no signal. thats it
after several attempts I was looking at the no signal.. thinking ..and bam the desktop code scrolling...wha
however due to bluetooth not working, blame the kernal to my understanding, giving 2.8 another go...same issue plus when attempting to update error cannot update package this normal?
QUESTION=So why no signal? solution? try open /etc/default/grub as root and remove "quiet splash" then sudo update-grub, reboot
Solution to update is to open the package manager and click reload. it will give error but list the problematic sources. click settings/repositories/other software scroll down and uncheck the problem sources then reload.
this should be successfull, then try favorites/update.
this should get you lite 2.8 with updates.. then
now go to file system /etc/bluetooth / audio.conf and edit (as root) as per link instruction and save
Enable = Source,Sink,Headset,Gateway,Control,Media
Proceed to open terminal and add ppa and update blueman,pavucontrol and pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
Code: [Select]
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cschramm/blueman
Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install blueman pavucontrol pulseaudio-module-bluetooth -y
as the iogear is broadcom you will need fw-0a5c_21e8.hcd. the link in the instruction link was not working for me but i was able to google an alternative copy and installed to /lib/firmware
the link appears to work now...naturally
after reboot was able to pair and then audio sync
the isound headset is working with the iogear adapter
a tad frustrating but the tip on 3.10 kernal gave me hope..
now I have to rebuild the system and see if it happens twice and not to confident with the no signal boot and failing sources BUT
If that is any help to anyone else
it does NOT work on 2.6..for me.. due to 3.10 kernal ? would have to install lite 2.8 or update the kernal
my experiance was that 2,6 would not upgrade to 2.8 when clicking upgrade it said it would upgrade to 2.4 and thinking it was a typo I clicked anyway and it posted upgrade cancelled
my experiance with installing 2.8 was that after reboot the screen simply said no signal. thats it
after several attempts I was looking at the no signal.. thinking ..and bam the desktop code scrolling...wha
however due to bluetooth not working, blame the kernal to my understanding, giving 2.8 another go...same issue plus when attempting to update error cannot update package this normal?
QUESTION=So why no signal? solution? try open /etc/default/grub as root and remove "quiet splash" then sudo update-grub, reboot
Solution to update is to open the package manager and click reload. it will give error but list the problematic sources. click settings/repositories/other software scroll down and uncheck the problem sources then reload.
this should be successfull, then try favorites/update.
this should get you lite 2.8 with updates.. then
now go to file system /etc/bluetooth / audio.conf and edit (as root) as per link instruction and save
Enable = Source,Sink,Headset,Gateway,Control,Media
Proceed to open terminal and add ppa and update blueman,pavucontrol and pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
Code: [Select]
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cschramm/blueman
Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install blueman pavucontrol pulseaudio-module-bluetooth -y
as the iogear is broadcom you will need fw-0a5c_21e8.hcd. the link in the instruction link was not working for me but i was able to google an alternative copy and installed to /lib/firmware
the link appears to work now...naturally
after reboot was able to pair and then audio sync
the isound headset is working with the iogear adapter
a tad frustrating but the tip on 3.10 kernal gave me hope..
now I have to rebuild the system and see if it happens twice and not to confident with the no signal boot and failing sources BUT
If that is any help to anyone else