To install gnucash*
if you -
1/ go to Menu>Install/Remove Software
2/ enter your password
3/ type gnucash into the search
4/ right click and select "mark for Installation"
5/ click "Apply" button at the top of the gui
It will install and dependencies.
6/ after installed click file>quit
*It would be best to remove the gnucash internet download before using Install/Remove Software search to find and install it, as there was a difficulty with the internet downloaded install.
To do this -
On the left upper pane of Install/Remove Software you can select "installed" then the results will only be the currently installed programs, you can right click any result you wish to remove and choose "Mark for Complete removal" , do this for gnucash, then click apply, after it's done File>quit.
Useful -
If you were searching for something in this tool (Synaptic), or were browsing through the list, you can left click on a name in the results and it will give an explanation in the lower pane about the program and install, which I find helpful when I am looking for stuff but am unsure of its name, so need to check if it sounds suitable for what I need.
Bug -
Regarding "N: Ignoring file '20auto-upgrades.ucf-dist'... it's nothing to worry about and can be prevented from appearing again Here is the fix from Jerry
Additional -
Sometimes it is very easy to install software using the Lite Software (in menu), I installed VB for the first time tonight from this. Using the tutorial in the Help Manual.
Other times the software can be in Install/Remove software, a database of programs available to install/or installed.
Another way is PPA**, it is packages you may see these on a website, or a link on the forum, along with the command for the exact PPA to use in terminal.
Another way I used recently for the Intel graphics stack was a .deb file, the Ubuntu Team said to me this is like an exe file in Windows, you run it, when choosing option for d/l in Firefox, I had asked which folder to unpack it to etc.
I have since read some say not to run it but to use another method in case it creates an issue, but from Intel the .deb worked correctly using run in firefox.
There may be other ways but I haven't used or came across any of them so far.
It sounds a lot of ways for installing software, but it is really straight forward, I look in Lite Software, (mostly I know what it has as I used it often), then I try Install/Remove software for the database.
Only then would I look to the internet.
**PPA it allows the owner to update parts of you system, most are honest I have not had any problems, but there can always be malicious people in the world, so there is a potential risk from them, this can be avoided using the Menu>Install drivers>Other Software tab, and untick the PPA's if you are not positive if they are trustworthy yet, this stops them from updating on your system
It is important to remember that the updates can be security ones, so it's a choice to make, but it gives the option to look in to the updates first, and make an informed choice if you want that or not, if you wanted it re-tick it, then un-tick afterwards.
To install gnucash*
if you -
1/ go to Menu>Install/Remove Software
2/ enter your password
3/ type gnucash into the search
4/ right click and select "mark for Installation"
5/ click "Apply" button at the top of the gui
It will install and dependencies.
6/ after installed click file>quit
*It would be best to remove the gnucash internet download before using Install/Remove Software search to find and install it, as there was a difficulty with the internet downloaded install.
To do this -
On the left upper pane of Install/Remove Software you can select "installed" then the results will only be the currently installed programs, you can right click any result you wish to remove and choose "Mark for Complete removal" , do this for gnucash, then click apply, after it's done File>quit.
Useful -
If you were searching for something in this tool (Synaptic), or were browsing through the list, you can left click on a name in the results and it will give an explanation in the lower pane about the program and install, which I find helpful when I am looking for stuff but am unsure of its name, so need to check if it sounds suitable for what I need.
Bug -
Regarding "N: Ignoring file '20auto-upgrades.ucf-dist'... it's nothing to worry about and can be prevented from appearing again Here is the fix from Jerry
Additional -
Sometimes it is very easy to install software using the Lite Software (in menu), I installed VB for the first time tonight from this. Using the tutorial in the Help Manual.
Other times the software can be in Install/Remove software, a database of programs available to install/or installed.
Another way is PPA**, it is packages you may see these on a website, or a link on the forum, along with the command for the exact PPA to use in terminal.
Another way I used recently for the Intel graphics stack was a .deb file, the Ubuntu Team said to me this is like an exe file in Windows, you run it, when choosing option for d/l in Firefox, I had asked which folder to unpack it to etc.
I have since read some say not to run it but to use another method in case it creates an issue, but from Intel the .deb worked correctly using run in firefox.
There may be other ways but I haven't used or came across any of them so far.
It sounds a lot of ways for installing software, but it is really straight forward, I look in Lite Software, (mostly I know what it has as I used it often), then I try Install/Remove software for the database.
Only then would I look to the internet.
**PPA it allows the owner to update parts of you system, most are honest I have not had any problems, but there can always be malicious people in the world, so there is a potential risk from them, this can be avoided using the Menu>Install drivers>Other Software tab, and untick the PPA's if you are not positive if they are trustworthy yet, this stops them from updating on your system

It is important to remember that the updates can be security ones, so it's a choice to make, but it gives the option to look in to the updates first, and make an informed choice if you want that or not, if you wanted it re-tick it, then un-tick afterwards.