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Ubuntu 12.04 can't boot after hardware support update
I'm afraid someone else is going to have to try answering this for you.  I'm too confused by the whole thing.  Really don't understand what the deal is.  Ubuntu 12.04 is good until April 2017 -- so I have no idea why some kind of upgrade is necessary.  Maybe it's fine if you leave it with its original kernel; but you need to upgrade if you use the HWE stuff you talked about?  I don't know.

In the meantime, I suppose you're stuck not being able to boot into it properly.  I'd just boot with live DVD/USB, copy off what you want saved and start over again.  Either re-install 12.04 or test out and install 14.04.  Then just copy back your saved data.  If you do that, direct the bootloader installation to Ubuntu's root partition (sda5) to keep LL in charge of booting (After U install, boot LL and sudo update-grub to have it listed on grub menu.).  If you want Ubuntu to take control, then install it to the MBR (sda).  (If you've upgraded LL to 2.0, then don't let Ubuntu take control of booting.  LL 2.0 has customized grub in a way that won't easily be booted by other OS without manual modifications.  Best to just let LL 2.0 stay in control.) 
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Re: Ubuntu 12.04 can't boot after hardware support update - by gold_finger - 07-29-2014, 09:10 PM

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