Hi bitsnpcs
The simplest way for me to explain what I meant by 'stories on a human scale' is to illustrate it with the following link of top box office Hollywood films by decade -
Just compare the 2000 and 2010 decades to the rest. You'll see that the most watched films of recent decades are mainly comic book and CGI created, obviously not possible until the digital age, but personally, in this respect, I'm a bit of an analogue type of guy, so to speak.
There's nothing wrong with comic book and CGI inspired films of course, I have enjoyed some of the earlier ones myself, but now this genre tends to dominate the field.
In contrast, I believe -
Variety is the spice of life
Perhaps we should start a members' 'favorite film' thread, like the music thread, but using film trailers.
The simplest way for me to explain what I meant by 'stories on a human scale' is to illustrate it with the following link of top box office Hollywood films by decade -
Just compare the 2000 and 2010 decades to the rest. You'll see that the most watched films of recent decades are mainly comic book and CGI created, obviously not possible until the digital age, but personally, in this respect, I'm a bit of an analogue type of guy, so to speak.
There's nothing wrong with comic book and CGI inspired films of course, I have enjoyed some of the earlier ones myself, but now this genre tends to dominate the field.
In contrast, I believe -
Variety is the spice of life
Perhaps we should start a members' 'favorite film' thread, like the music thread, but using film trailers.
Still running 3.8 and lovin' it (running 5.0 as a triple boot)