06-22-2018, 12:27 PM
You could try typing the following in the terminal (make sure the prompt says "~"):
On a fresh install that file should contain
Then copy the lines from here and paste them (ctrl+shift+v) after the above lines.
When finished exit nano (ctrl+x) and confirm overwrite. Log off and on again to see if things are as you like.
nano .gtkrc-2.0
On a fresh install that file should contain
gtk-menu-popdown-delay = 0
gtk-menu-bar-popup-delay = 0
gtk-enable-animations = 0
gtk-timeout-expand = 0
Then copy the lines from here and paste them (ctrl+shift+v) after the above lines.
When finished exit nano (ctrl+x) and confirm overwrite. Log off and on again to see if things are as you like.