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LL2 not booting if one extended partition is formatted to FAT 32
You did not offend me.  The problem is that since you are new to Linux, you don't know what to look for and sometimes there are terminology mix ups.  What you describe one way, people who have a Linux-based mindset might interpret as something else from what you actually meant.  In my posts I was trying to find out certain things that would divulge whether it was just a simple misunderstanding or not, but you kept trying new things on your own and those new things ended up making my questions useless.

I now see what the problem is.  You are expecting to see the NTFS partition in your file manager under either Devices, Places or in the Home folder.  That is not where it is going to show up.  When a partition is mounted to a particular spot in the file system it will no longer show up under Devices or Places.  And it won't show up in your Home folder either unless you made the mount point in the Home folder.

In your last screenshot, to find the NTFS partition you need to go to where you mounted it -- in /mnt/Windows.  Open your file manager and click "File System" under Devices.  That will put you at the root of the file system (at "/").  On right side you will see a bunch of folders.  Click on the "/mnt" folder.  Then click on "/Windows" and you will be in the NTFS partition.  Try to create a folder in it.  Let me know if you are able to do that, or what happens when you try.

P.s.  If the system does not boot I have no clue what could be wrong with it.  I've never heard of that happening before.

P.s.s.  Assuming that you still have system setup as per latest screenshot and that the system does currently boot up properly, do the following to make the /mnt/Windows partition show up in your Home folder.  Open a terminal and enter this command to create a symlink to the partition.  Substitute your actual username where I have "username" below.

ln -s /mnt/Windows /home/username
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Re: LL2 not booting if one extended partition is formatted to FAT 32 - by gold_finger - 08-24-2014, 11:52 AM

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