(08-25-2014, 03:57 AM)Scott(0) link Wrote: Hi Rbdflyboy
This probably isn't exactly what you're asking but it could be a possible solution.
Quote:trying to put a single picture on the desktopI can put a link to a single picture on my desktop by right-clicking on a png file in my pictures folder > send to > desktop (create link)
Quote:which program will allow me to open the file directly on the desktop and leave it there?In the above png example I can open the file directly from the desktop and I can leave the link there.
Thanks, have done this as well. Problem is the file opens with Image Viewer or an other "open with" program and there are no options to move the image to the desktop. Can't drag and drop either. Does the file have to be made or created as an icon? How can one add this file to the icon list?
Found Compiz not sure if this program will do it?
Found the answer...can be done using Gimp...just now, need to figure out how.