12-12-2018, 04:36 PM
Stepping completely over the rabbit hole of opinion here: Linux Lite and its UI is designed for new Linux users coming from Windows. Login to a secure shell first (TTY of the host). Run the SCP command from there remembering you are then on the host not the client and using plain Unix spacing and file paths (syntax). This should eliminate the long message error. Should work fine. Otherwise run SFTP from Thunar SFTP://192.xx.xx.xx or 10.xx.xx.xx as the case me be. The SSH server and the SSH client in Linux Lite are integrated for desktop GUI usage, assuming that more seasoned Linux users don't need instructions. Depending on the shell the Unix CLI syntax of SSH can vary in minor ways from distro to distro and file manager to file manager. Also when backgrounding (not headless) you can end up short a TTY depending how the server is configured. If your problems continue (though they should not) you can remove the welcome message and link from the host side prompt and then CLI from the client side.
All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.