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Connecting to Bluetooth, SmartTV, googledrive + POP_OS feature
I recently tried out Pop_OS, though had problems and decided against using for now. The main reason I was trying out is that have been unable to get Bluetooth working usually, cannot connect to a Smart TV in new house am renting, and something else which happened with Pop.

With Pop, suddenly yesterday when I opened up Youtube, a message floated up telling me that if I clicked on it, the Smart TV would stream the youtube and sure enough it did. Unfortunately, the whole system started freezing after that and when I rebooted I couldn't reboot again. Of course could have probably figured it out, but after a day or two of computer issues trying out distros, didn't have the patience. But it was neat when it lasted and at least I know it's possible.

Also, another neat feature in Pop: In File Manager, one of the areas listed was my gmail. I clicked on it and after a minute or two all the files I have saved on Google Drive were displayed on the screen. Neat.

So in POP it's possible to connect to a Smart TV (without even trying!), and to access all those documents in File Manager. I think that's pretty neat.

I have searched for these things, but as usual get hundreds of results but none of them on the topic.

So suggestions:
Consider adding in the Smart TV coding they have in POP (also Ubuntu based);
Consider adding in the google network access or explaining how to do that like in POP.
Have a clear tutorial on bluetooth issues including learning how to know when it's hopeless.

Although I would love help with these things, it's been a long time since I ever had an issue addressed here, so am not expecting any. I just learn to live with various limitations and get on with life. No worries. (And not complaining, either.)

All best,

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Connecting to Bluetooth, SmartTV, googledrive + POP_OS feature - by CaperAsh - 02-24-2019, 09:47 PM

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