Hardware = HP EliteDesk 800 G1 DM, 2 GHz i5, 12 GB RAMemory, 1TB Sata, intel HD Graphics 4600
Fully Updated X64 bit Linux-Lite 5
I've Navigated 2 the Location of platform-tools ie. /home/linux-lite/platform-tools Checked that adb iz Running, Confirmed that it Detects the Pixel 2 Phone, I've Copied All the GrapheneOS image Files to inside the platform-tools Directory & Clicked on flash-all.bat it Opens MousePad & when I Click on flash-all.sh Nutthing happens.
From the Linux-Lite Terminal, I cd /home/linux-lite/platform-tools/flash-all it Returns command not found same w/ .bat & .sh eXtensions. Also in All cases I there's a Maroon Red Flag w/ 127 inside I don't know what this means.
Please Help!
Fully Updated X64 bit Linux-Lite 5
I've Navigated 2 the Location of platform-tools ie. /home/linux-lite/platform-tools Checked that adb iz Running, Confirmed that it Detects the Pixel 2 Phone, I've Copied All the GrapheneOS image Files to inside the platform-tools Directory & Clicked on flash-all.bat it Opens MousePad & when I Click on flash-all.sh Nutthing happens.
From the Linux-Lite Terminal, I cd /home/linux-lite/platform-tools/flash-all it Returns command not found same w/ .bat & .sh eXtensions. Also in All cases I there's a Maroon Red Flag w/ 127 inside I don't know what this means.
Please Help!