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Issues I have come across thus far installing and using Linux Lite as a new user
First off, hello. I am new to Linux Lite but not new to Linux in general. This post is my first and is aimed at bringing attention to little issues I have spotted during multiple installations of and the use of Linux Lite. I might alter this post if/when I find other issues or have other suggestions.

* (issue/oversight?) There is no "python" command, only python2. Scripts looking for "python" fail due to this. One example is youtube-dl.
* (suggestion) ffmpeg is not install by default. Using youtube-dl as another example, it needs it.
* (issue/usability) The grub boot menu after you hit "e" to edit is very difficult to impossible to read due to the feather logo. Redoing the boot design might be a good idea for usability.
* (issue) Ctrl+C doesn't cancel filesystem checks when booting from USB despite it saying it will.
* (issue/annoyance) Right before the login prompt when starting, the audio "pops". This pop also happens right before playing videos in a browser, every video. I have not verified if it happens with videos from the hard drive.
* (suggestion) I came from MX Linux and I found their "quick system info" tool to be very useful. When ran, it would gather all the needed system info, redact private bits, format the output to be able to be pasted right into a forum post, and copy it to the clipboard all without the user dealing with it. Something similar might be useful for Linux Lite.

See attachment for hardware information.

EDIT: I found the "quick system info" tool that MX uses and it is a bash script.

Attached Files
.html   hardinfo_report.html (Size: 52.4 KB / Downloads: 621)

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Issues I have come across thus far installing and using Linux Lite as a new user - by MCReaves - 04-05-2021, 09:04 PM

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