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SUPER slow install, boot, and run - why for?
I've got LL 2.0 installed to an old (2001-02) Micron desktop with only 512MB of RAM and it works pretty well, so I'm not sure what problem is with your laptop.  It's old, but I think it should work with LL.  That being said, I don't know what is causing your problems, so rest of this post is really just basic preliminary questions and a wild guess.

Did you ever confirm the md5sum of the ISO file you used to make the live USB?  If not, here is a tool you can use in Windows to do so:  Here's another:  Run either of those on the ISO file and make sure the result matches what is shown on the LL download page.

I'm assuming you downloaded and used the 32-bit version of LL, correct?  (Probably a stupid question because it wouldn't have installed at all if it were 64-bit.)

From your bootinfo.txt report, I think it says you have 3 USB ports:  2 that are the old USB 1.1 and one that is newer USB 2.0.  If that's correct, boot computer with you USB stick again and try it in each of the three USB ports (assuming the USB 2.0 port is not labelled as such).  I'd expect that the performance from the 2.0 port will be better than that of the other two.  See if that is in fact the case, then try a new install again while booted using that port.  (I'm grabbing at straws -- don't really know if that will make a difference.)
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Messages In This Thread
SUPER slow install, boot, and run - why for? - by SayWhat - 10-05-2014, 08:03 PM
Re: SUPER slow install, boot, and run - why for? - by gold_finger - 10-06-2014, 12:50 AM

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