Thank you for posting back. Anything in the log for the failure ?
Can you post the result of this command please ?
followed by return.
Try running the command below in a terminal window to monitor the connection.
followed by return.
You can start this while the network is working and then minimise the terminal window to leave it running.
When the IPv4 address disappears check back in the terminal window see if anything is logged.
If anything is shown when the failure occurs please copy it and post it to the thread.
When you've finished monitoring, select the terminal window and press 'Ctrl' and 'C'
When a failure occurs, instead of putting the system into suspend and then waking it, try executing these commands in another terminal window - not the one running the monitor. These commands will deactivate and reactivate the wireless adaptor and may restore function.
followed by enter
followed by enter
You will see the effect in the monitor window.
If the disconnect/connect commands do restore the connection, next time you can try just running the connect command
followed by enter.
edit - correct spelling and try to improve clarity
Can you post the result of this command please ?
Try running the command below in a terminal window to monitor the connection.
nmcli device monitor wlp2s0
You can start this while the network is working and then minimise the terminal window to leave it running.
When the IPv4 address disappears check back in the terminal window see if anything is logged.
If anything is shown when the failure occurs please copy it and post it to the thread.
When you've finished monitoring, select the terminal window and press 'Ctrl' and 'C'
When a failure occurs, instead of putting the system into suspend and then waking it, try executing these commands in another terminal window - not the one running the monitor. These commands will deactivate and reactivate the wireless adaptor and may restore function.
nmcli device disconnect wlp2s0
nmcli device connect wlp2s0
You will see the effect in the monitor window.
If the disconnect/connect commands do restore the connection, next time you can try just running the connect command
nmcli device connect wlp2s0
edit - correct spelling and try to improve clarity