One thing with Add/Remove Softwares , it s Synaptic & it will ask for your user password every times .
I know it must be annoying for it to ask you for pwd every times but if you let the permissions to everyone , it means that anyone having access to your netbook will be able to do everything with it , looks dangerous to me .
I know it must be annoying for it to ask you for pwd every times but if you let the permissions to everyone , it means that anyone having access to your netbook will be able to do everything with it , looks dangerous to me .
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB RamĀ Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bitĀ
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11
Duckduckgo ( for now )
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11
Duckduckgo ( for now )