01-08-2015, 08:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-08-2015, 08:45 PM by gold_finger.)
Thanks -- link works now. That's pretty impressive. Something to consider for sure later on after we get the manual squared away.
Thanks again for the input. Keep the ideas coming.
Just to let you all know ahead of time -- I'm purposely trying to comment as little as possible on the ideas you are putting up for right now. I don't want to end up influencing the direction things go in. Figure that way things will stay in more of a free-flowing mode. So don't mistake my lack of reaction to specific ideas as me not liking them or not appreciating them. I'll tell you right now that I like a lot of what I'm seeing and you're pointing things out that I hadn't thought of before. So, keep up the good work.
Thanks -- link works now. That's pretty impressive. Something to consider for sure later on after we get the manual squared away.
Thanks again for the input. Keep the ideas coming.
Just to let you all know ahead of time -- I'm purposely trying to comment as little as possible on the ideas you are putting up for right now. I don't want to end up influencing the direction things go in. Figure that way things will stay in more of a free-flowing mode. So don't mistake my lack of reaction to specific ideas as me not liking them or not appreciating them. I'll tell you right now that I like a lot of what I'm seeing and you're pointing things out that I hadn't thought of before. So, keep up the good work.
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