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Linux Lite 2.2 Beta Released
As some other folks have indicated, I will probably not be at a point very soon where a I will want to do a full release/install to upgrade to 2.2, however there have been some great discussions about some of the changes and additions in 2.2, such as the archiver (I believe file roller is "in" and xarchiver is "out"?), back-up programs, etc.  I suspect that when the final release is out software changes and additions will be listed out?

While I am not looking to upgrade to a new release soon, I have been looking at back-up programs, etc. and if the LL Software installer had the option to install some of these new choices that would be awesome.  The ability to easily add (for example) a back-up program that is known to work well with LL would be very useful. 


This 'UEFI on 2.0/2.2' procedure in the YouTube video didn't work for me, either. Here's why:

All was well until the stuff he mounted in the terminal on the Ubuntu LiveDVD didn't mount for me. Things went downhill from there - dependency issues (some could be fixed, others could not), and the like.

In dude's video, he types: 'for i in /dev/ /dev/pts/ s /proc/ /sys;'. To get the command to work, I had to change this to 'for i in /dev /dev/pts/ s /proc/ /sys;'. He also fails to mention that you need to be online before executing 'apt-get update', but that's a no-brainer.

Later, when 'apt-get purge -y --force-yes grub* shim-signed linux-signed*' is executed, it needs linux-image to install linux-image-extra, but linux-image isn't called. This creates a dependency issue that requires 'apt-get -f install' to fix. After that, I reissued the purge command, and the rest of the procedure seemed to function properly.

It now boots in UEFI, but it still has the same issue with it that legacy mode does - it takes F-O-R-E-V-E-R for the logoff menu to come up - so long it makes you think it's locked up. I'll try booting the LiveCD with some ACPI parameters, and see what happens...

[Image: EtYqOrS.png%5D]

A gun in your hand is worth more than a whole police force on the phone.

Don't know what long shutdown problem might be -- sorry -- but have a feeling that the video is just running the same commands that Boot-Repair would do for you in converting to UEFI from a Legacy install:  Converting Ubuntu into EFI or Legacy mode.  Probably would have been much easier that way.
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(12-16-2014, 07:49 AM)gold_finger link Wrote: Don't know what long shutdown problem might be -- sorry -- but have a feeling that the video is just running the same commands that Boot-Repair would do for you in converting to UEFI from a Legacy install:  Converting Ubuntu into EFI or Legacy mode.  Probably would have been much easier that way.


I'm sure you're correct about that. At least I caught the fatal error in the video, though!

It DOES boot faster with UEFI, but still having the L-O-N-G delay (more than a minute) before the 'Log Out' screen appears. Someone suggested pressing CTRL-ALT-F2 and then CTRL-ALT-F7, which brings up the logout box post haste.

This bug does not seem to occur on other Ubuntu LiveCDs such as Ubuntu (Unity) or MATE Remix. In all fairness, I haven't tried this with Lubuntu or Xubuntu proper yet, so I won't have a full picture until I do. However, it would seem that fixing LL to boot in UEFI mode will NOT fix the failure to shut down or reboot properly on UEFI systems. Funny.  If I click on 'Switch Users', the logon screen appears, from which one can reboot or shut down with no issues.

If this proves to be XFCE-related, it may be something you folks can't solve. From what I have seen online, this issue seems to have been going on with Xubuntu for over a year now, with no fix in sight. The fix that comments out 'Xubuntu' from /etc/upstart-xsessions' does nothing to fix this. So far, it's either click 'Switch User' and log off THAT WAY or press CTRL-ALT-F2/CTRL-ALT-F7 to get to the logout screen...

[Image: EtYqOrS.png%5D]

A gun in your hand is worth more than a whole police force on the phone.
Out of curiosity, did some looking into the "slow shutdown" issue because I've seen multiple posts about that (mainly in Mint forums).  Seems like there is no "one" fix for everyone and you may have already tried most/all of below, but here are some things to look at:

1.  Can't remember where I read it nor find the post, but from memory I seem to think someone said that if they used shutdown from the main Menu they had the problem.  But if they added "Action Buttons" to the panel and used that instead, they didn't have the problem.  No idea why that worked, but something to look into if you haven't already.

2.  Someone claiming success by adding boot option "splash=verbose nomodeset".

3.  Saw a number of posts from people with Broadcom wireless cards who claimed uninstalling all broadcom, then reinstalling only the necessary driver  worked for them.  Suggest if this applies to you to use this page to find out exact driver that applies for you first.

4.  Two posts describing ways that might help diagnose what's going on during shutdown that may give clue as to what's wrong:
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It may have something to do with the filesystem used. I'm using btrfs and only have a 3 second shutdown. There could possibly be some options to add to your fstab to improve performance as well.

I'm having this issue on my Dell Inspiron 3135. Will reinstall 2.2 on it, and see if your suggestions help any...

[Image: EtYqOrS.png%5D]

A gun in your hand is worth more than a whole police force on the phone.
Oddly enough , came back to Beat 1 after tested Final , liked beta better , don t ask , I don t know why ! lol
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )
Well , after a while , out with 2.2 Beta , in with LL 2.2 Final .
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )

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