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Linux Lite 3.0 Final Released
I'm a little unhappy! No one used my slick wallpaper I created. sadface. lol
I'v been bashing Windows way before Microsoft.....
@JmaCWQ try that red theme your using in 2.8 on 3.0, see if the minimize still missing.
(06-01-2016, 06:45 PM)Mike link Wrote: Congrats to everyone involved! LL3 is another fine release.

One issue that I did run into was during installation. I left my laptop for a short time and when I came back the screen had gone black (screensaver?). After touching a key I was presented with the login screen. I didn't know the default live system credentials so I waited a bit until I was sure the installation was complete. Is there any way to disable to screensaver logout during installation?

32bit or 64bit?
(06-01-2016, 07:32 PM)TMG1961 link Wrote: found something strange. I created a new file, pasted the text into it and saved it. But then i saw that the icon had changed into an envelope. When i looked at the properties it says its a mailbox file. When i add .txt behind the name the icon changes to a normal txt file icon

What text did you paste into the file?
Folks please remember when you are reporting issues to state whether its on 32bit or 64bit. I have 2 'Linux Lites'  to maintain and this would save me a lot of time. Some of you have already changed your Forum profile, so that does help. Thank you Smile
(06-01-2016, 09:33 PM)JmaCWQ link Wrote: I've seen your blank screen issue a couple of times, what I do now is when booted into the live media before starting the install process I go into the Power Manager settings, Security tab & change Automatically lock the session to Never.
It holds that setting until a shutdown/reboot etc. & the screen stays on if left unattended for a while.

Thanks, I'll apply that setting in LL 3.2 Smile
(06-02-2016, 02:03 AM)Jerry link Wrote: [quote author=Mike link=topic=3059.msg23789#msg23789 date=1464806726]
Congrats to everyone involved! LL3 is another fine release.

One issue that I did run into was during installation. I left my laptop for a short time and when I came back the screen had gone black (screensaver?). After touching a key I was presented with the login screen. I didn't know the default live system credentials so I waited a bit until I was sure the installation was complete. Is there any way to disable to screensaver logout during installation?

32bit or 64bit?

32bit for me..
LL4.8 UEFI 64 bit ASUS E402W - AMD E2 (Quad) 1.5Ghz  - 4GB - AMD Mullins Radeon R2
LL5.8 UEFI 64 bit Test UEFI Kangaroo (Mobile Desktop) - Atom X5-Z8500 1.44Ghz - 2GB - Intel HD Graphics
LL4.8 64 bit HP 6005- AMD Phenom II X2 - 8GB - AMD/ATI RS880 (HD4200)
LL3.8 32 bit Dell Inspiron Mini - Atom N270 1.6Ghz - 1GB - Intel Mobile 945GSE Express  -- Shelved
BACK LL5.8 64 bit Dell Optiplex 160 (Thin) - Atom 230 1.6Ghz - 4GB-SiS 771/671 PCIE VGA - Print Server
Running Linux Lite since LL2.2
32-bit for me, I've also pinched some drive space from my 2.8 install & installed 3.0 to the hard drive instead of running from a USB install.

Tried that red theme (mod of SCOUT039) and a few others Jerry, all the same with no minimise.
It appears what Mike mentioned previously is correct it's been changed in XFCE.
And his solution of clicking the file icon in the notification area effectively does the same job, it allows for showing/hiding of the progress box without being tied to the window's state.

Something else I noticed is when 2 or more windows & the progress box are up, clicking between the windows on the panel buttons changes the focus window and the progress box's colours change to 'background' but it stays in front & doesn't go behind the focused window like I guess it probably should.
The setting 'Always on Top' is useable on the progress box's panel button but has no effect either way.

(06-02-2016, 02:06 AM)Jerry link Wrote: [quote author=TMG1961 link=topic=3059.msg23793#msg23793 date=1464809567]
found something strange. I created a new file, pasted the text into it and saved it. But then i saw that the icon had changed into an envelope. When i looked at the properties it says its a mailbox file. When i add .txt behind the name the icon changes to a normal txt file icon

What text did you paste into the file?

Just some plain text. Things that can be removed from a smartphones rom.
I added the file to my post..maybe its something in the text that creates the problem.

Below the text that is in the file.
From /system/app folder:

Atfwd (Snapdragon Wifi Display Mirroring service) source:
Books (Google Play Books)
Chrome (Google Chrome)
CloudPrint2 (Cloud Printing Service)
Drive (Google Drive)
EditorsDocs (Google Documents)
EditorsSheets (Google Sheets)
EditorsSlide (Google Slides)
FitnessPrebuilt (Google Fit)
GoogleEars (Sound search::Sound search provided by Google Now)
GoogleHindiIME (Google Keyboard Hindi Language Pack)
GoogleJapaneseInput (Google Keyboard Hindi Language Pack)
GooglePinyinIME (Google Keyboard Pinyin Language Pack)
Hangouts (Google Hangouts)
KoreanIME (Google Keyboard Korean Language Pack)
Maps (Google Maps)
Music2 (Google Play Music)
Newsstand (Google Newsstand)
Photos (Google Photos)
PlayGames (Google Play Games)
PlusOne (Google Plus)
PrebuiltBugle (Google Messenger)
PrebuiltExchange3Google (Email Client Interface -- Do not remove if you need email outside of Gmail!)
PrebuiltGmail (Gmail)
PrebuiltKeep (Google Keep)
PrebuiltNewsWeather (Google News and Weather App)
Tycho (Project Fi --Do not remove if using Project Fi!)
Videos (Google Play Movies)
Wallet (Android Pay/Google Wallet)
Youtube ( <-- It's that)

Been trying out somethings. As soon as i start the text with From / the icon will change into an envelope after saving the file. No idea why that is.
Life on earth is expensive but it does include a free trip around the sun.
I'm guessing, because the file start with the word 'From' the system assumes its an email mimetype and assigns it an envelope icon. I don't see this as an issue that needs fixing, albeit interesting Smile Take out 'From' in the first line and its fine.

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