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[SOLVED] Messed up Boot Manager

Yesterday I had to reinstall windows 7 on my netbook that had linux lite as a main system and windows 7 as a option in boot menu. Every system was in different partitions, so I didnt woried to much about messing up linux(I never had any problem before when I was reinstalling windows).

But when I plugged  recovery USB for my windows 7, and install system again, after first reboot I selected Windows 7 in booting menu that I got after instaling Linux Lite and... I got error "wrong partition system x007000" press any key... I pressed space and windows turn on normally without any problem. I had to restart it few times and everytime I got different number in this error, but system work without any problem.

But real problem showed up after I done setting up windows.

As I said LinuxLite is now my main system, so I restarted my netbook again I selected LinuxLite, loading screen showed up... and thats it.
Loading bar really slowly(6min) went to 100% and nothing more, I spend 30min waiting for any respond, error, anything but nothing. I tried smashing keyboard to get some logs window but nothing.
I forced shutdown and after restarting I went to Linuxlite recovery option that i have in bootmenu but no matter what I select I get window saying that it gonna set permission to read/write and nothing more. I spend another 30min waiting for any respond but nothing....

I though that plugging USB with LinuxLite give me more options or access to console, but now when I select pendrive in Bios boot menu I get error: BOOTMGR not found! 

Now I cant install any system...

I looked for solution for this BOOTMGR not found error, and 90% of responds say that I should fix boot manager using my windows recovery disc... but my recovery USB  doesnt have such option or console to type command for fixing boot manager...

So im really screwed up, and any help with  installing LL again would be really good for me right now.

For information I have access to partition of LinuxLite after installing  Ext2 Volume manager in windows, and every file, system and my, are in place. So i think problem is in boot manager that was messed up after reinstalation of windows....

I never played with GRUB or any boot manager, its always work so I didnt touch it or learn it so I dont want to touch anything more now because I could totally messed up this netbook...

So any idea how I could restor LinuxLite?
After reading your post I'm not entirely sure where the computer stands right now, but sounds like you can still boot into Windows -- but not into Linux Lite.  I'm guessing either Windows took over booting and won't boot LL, or Windows messed up grub on LL.

(01-24-2015, 02:14 PM)Akinaro link Wrote: I though that plugging USB with LinuxLite give me more options or access to console, but now when I select pendrive in Bios boot menu I get error: BOOTMGR not found!

Are you saying that you tried booting from the same "live" USB you used to install LL with and it wouldn't boot?

If so, sometimes that happens.  Just try booting from it again -- a few times if necessary.  (Try with it plugged into a different USB slot to see if that makes a difference.)  As long as you didn't physically do anything to that USB, I don't see any reason why it would suddenly not work anymore.  The Bios boot menu should not have been affected by anything done during installations of either OS -- so booting USB should still work.

Once booted up again with live LL USB, follow directions for installing Boot-Repair in live environment (see "2nd option: install Boot-Repair in Ubuntu"), then run the "Recommended repair".  (Save the URL the program generates just in case the fix doesn't work and post it back here for us to see if that becomes necessary.)  Reboot without live USB when repair is done and see if it worked.
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OK i'll try to write it in points, so maybe it help to understand my problem.
1. I can boot to Windows(im on it right now)
2. I cant use USB with LinuxLite because I get error: BOOTMRG NOT FOUND when I select it in Bios boot menu
3. I cant use ANY USB with system(linux or windows) because of this error. I tried even windows XP, the same error when selecting USB in menu.
4. When I select LinuxLite in boot menu(that I got after installing it), loading screen show up(this with feather) and after 5-6min loading bar is in 100% and thats it. nothing happen. 
5. I tried installing LinuxLite again on USB using unetbootin-windows-608 and I get the same error.
I used the same pendrive and the same program to install LL before.
6. I tried using MemoryCard, the same error.

Just to be sure I'll try installing LL again in different USB but I dont think it gonna help :/ 
Just thinking out loud.

Quote:4. When I select LinuxLite in boot menu(that I got after installing it), loading screen show up(this with feather) and after 5-6min loading bar is in 100% and thats it. nothing happen. 

Just to make sure this is not a language barrier thing. This is not
a live boot screen, but, you ran the installer and did a complete dual boot install with XP.

My 1st question. Did you md5sum check the downloaded iso of Linux lite before installing to usb using Unetbootin or what ever.

I md5sum check all iso downloads before testing them out to avoid headaches like you are experiencing.
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Ufff... Ok i got second usb pendrive,(damn  hard to find when you need it) and just to make sure i formated it to fat32(full, not quick) and like rokytnji said i checked iso file after downloading it again. And now I manage to boot to live cd. Its a bit strange that i couldnt run it from usb that i used first time(i use it only for linuxlite).

For now i wait for terminal to end updating database, but even if boot repair would not work, i would install LL again, after moving importand data to windows partition. It would take some time but still its better than nothing.

Thanks for help, because I would stuck with this thinking that its netbook bios/boot problem not usb/pendrive -_-

Probably i still would get this error message when i boot windows7 but meh... I can live with that, as far as both systems work. So again thanks for help!

As gold_finger said, adding boot-repair to a Linux Lite LiveCD is definitely the way to go to fix your boot issues. Since we've crossed the 700MB barrier, perhaps future LiveCDs could have boot-repair pre-installed on them?

To insure future uniformity in my own LL installs, I'm working on putting together a standard image with everything i like pre-installed on an SD card, then perhaps making an ISO out of THAT, that I could just 'plug in' to the appropriate empty partitions, or just put it/them into place with Clonezilla...

[Image: EtYqOrS.png%5D]

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