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Kodi sound settings
I installed Kodi from Lite Software.
I made one change so far, I added from the options, Sveriges Radio.
Top right of Kodi I have a red sound icon, the stations of Sveriges Radio I have tried are playing but without any sound.
I have looked at the Kodi setting panel under audio, there does not seem to be any muted.

Update - I have uninstalled Kodi for now.
I can wait until Kodi release a new version and then try.
hmmm i havent tried KODI in an while trying to pick out gear for house now. cant Kodi be use for Tumin and iheart??

it morphin time

hey guys im Bluzeo and Linux Lite user that got his own open source company!
Red sound icon - press + or - keys to adjust volumes.
Thank you Jerry I will try it next time. Smile
For the moment I have uninstalled it as when I tried navigating the program, the program kept crashing and closing, needing to be restarted, it didn't crash LL.
I noticed one setting that said broken, Audio db, it said the server is overloaded and I needed to add a new scrape, it seemed to appear this was for retrieving meta of audio. I usually turn this option off on vlc, so it would have been okay.
In Sveriges Radio only live works and only P1, all documentary and others produce a small pop up banner with red x , at bottom right, saying broken. 
I then tried video add on Vice documentary, in the install, it said broken too, and crashes Kodi also.
I am not sure what I was doing wrong.

bluezeo I have only used Kodi 1 time previously , I used it on my phone, OnePlus 2, custom build (China) of Android 6.01. My cousin he sends it from his Android phone to the smart tv , I don't have a smart tv, so was trying the computer for a larger screen, and save on battery etc.
I am unsure what Tumin is?
You can manually add repository, each contains, different things, I added a repository on my phone by following a tutorial.
I found this one, SuperRepo that has iheart , and video tutorials on the link for adding the repository.
I have reinstalled Kodi and tried the + - for sound with music mp3 on hdd , this plays perfectly. Smile

I followed a tutorial for removing the broken repositories and re-adding them, this was for android, it did not solve it.

I have a crash log file for Sveriges Radio.
It says as part of that -
"Error Contents: Unknown OpenSSL error. Please file an issue at with information on how to reproduce this. ([_OpenSSLError(code=637976643L, lib=38, func=108, reason=67), _OpenSSLError(code=637968500L, lib=38, func=106, reason=116), _OpenSSLError(code=637976643L, lib=38, func=108, reason=67), _OpenSSLError(code=637968500L, lib=38, func=106, reason=116)])"
You'd have to address the repo/content provider for fixes. If the sound issue is fixed, please mark the thread as such. Cheers Smile
Yes the sound issue is solved and I've marked it as such now.

I have used a addon called Fusion for repos for Kodi, this works fine.
Before this I added manually ukturks this also works and has radio but not Sveriges, I have the app and can use that.
tunin is likw iheart

it morphin time

hey guys im Bluzeo and Linux Lite user that got his own open source company!
yes TuneIn is also in the Fusion addon, I checked for you.
I found it using this
it is the addon installer that comes as part of the Fusion repository.

How I found TuneIn - Using the addon installer, selecting audio addons, then on page 2 it has TuneIn, to access page 2 scroll to the bottom and click green box reading ,next page, sounds silly to mention how to find page 2 but I missed this navigation box first time I used it.

Here is the total tutorial process, in the order I followed, for Fusion in Kodi on Linux Lite -

Tutorial to Add Fusion Repository

Tutorial to add the default addons of Fusion to get started with it

Tutorial to install Indigo
Allows browsing of all Fusion addons available, with point and click installing of them within Kodi.

Update -
Updated links for Addon Installer changed, as this has been replaced by the latest community based "Indigo tool", tutorial date 4th February 2017.

Update 2 - the Maintenance Tool plugin for advanced uses is not in the Indigo install, this is a tutorial of how to add the Maintenance tool in.

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